Marvell Kirkwood - anyone?

Ian Lepore ian at
Tue Apr 16 23:08:02 UTC 2019

You say "All I want is updated instructions to build".  Then you point
out you managed to get a build done, and what you really want is
support for a kernel panic.

I'll reiterate:  there is no support available anymore for these
systems.  The only reason the code still exists in freebsd is because
some users reported they were still having some limited success using
kirkwood-based systems (that was a year or two ago).  Your report of
mysterious panics is pretty much in line with what you'd expect for
code that is no longer being maintained.

It's a sad thing.  I still use dreamplug systems myself, I have to for
$work.  But we run freebsd 8.2 on them, because that's the last version
that I know was really stable.  Everything later than that I've tried
(even 8.4) fails in a variety of mysterious ways from panics to data
corruption to failure of fsck to preen disks after a crash.

-- Ian

On Mon, 2019-04-15 at 09:10 +0100, Balanga Bar wrote:
> All I'm really looking for is some update for a number of web pages
> including
> which show how to build FreeBSD for the platform. The build process
> seems
> to have changed somewhat over the last few years and instructions do
> not
> mention which version of FreeBSD is being used.
> Since I already have a couple of GoFlex Home units I would like to
> try and
> get FreeBSD installed on them. It seems that people managed to get
> FreeBSD
> working on these as long ago as seven years ago, so I'm only trying
> to
> recreate something that has already been done, but getting a working
> build
> installed is proving somewhat problematic.
> The most frustrating things is that when I manage to create a build
> which
> will boot, there is generally a kernel panic soon after, and the
> system
> will not subsequently boot and I don't know how to identify why this
> occurred.
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 4:12 PM Ian Lepore <ian at> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2019-04-10 at 06:23 +0000, Balanga Bar wrote:
> > > Is anyone using any Marvell Kirkwood devices?
> > > 
> > > I'm trying to build a reliable system, but am struggling to make
> > > it
> > > work.
> > > Could do with some help on the correct way of building it.
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > 
> > 
> > To be honest, the Kirkwood stuff is all but completely unsupported
> > at
> > this point.  A few people over the past few years have reported
> > some
> > success with it.  My own experience is that no armv4 or v5
> > platforms
> > have really worked reliably for many years.  When it does work for
> > people, they're just lucky that they're not running into any of the
> > bugs that are known to exist in the old arm support.
> > 
> > Basically the problem is resources: there is nobody both willing
> > and
> > able to support the old armv5 stuff anymore.  The company I work
> > for
> > used to put their resources into supporting old arm chips, but
> > we've
> > moved on to armv7 stuff for the current products, so I don't get to
> > spend $work hours on armv5 support anymore.
> > 
> > So all in all, you're really better off with some newer armv7 or v8
> > (64-bit) hardware.  It's cheaper and more powerful, but you do miss
> > out
> > on one thing that Kirkwood supported: dual GigE ports, which just
> > don't
> > seem to exist in the modern arm world.
> > 
> > -- Ian
> > 
> > 
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