Marvell Kirkwood - anyone?

Mori Hiroki yamori813 at
Tue Apr 16 00:33:59 UTC 2019


I tried like OpenRD-Base target. I use ZRouter build system.

I have two problems.

One is network is now work.

Second is cpu is very slow. I seem L2 cache issue.


Hiroki Mori

----- Original Message -----
> From: Balanga Bar < at>
> To: Ian Lepore <ian at>
> Cc: freebsd-arm at
> Date: 2019/4/15, Mon 17:10
> Subject: Re: Marvell Kirkwood - anyone?
> All I'm really looking for is some update for a number of web pages
> including 
> which show how to build FreeBSD for the platform. The build process seems
> to have changed somewhat over the last few years and instructions do not
> mention which version of FreeBSD is being used.
> Since I already have a couple of GoFlex Home units I would like to try and
> get FreeBSD installed on them. It seems that people managed to get FreeBSD
> working on these as long ago as seven years ago, so I'm only trying to
> recreate something that has already been done, but getting a working build
> installed is proving somewhat problematic.
> The most frustrating things is that when I manage to create a build which
> will boot, there is generally a kernel panic soon after, and the system
> will not subsequently boot and I don't know how to identify why this
> occurred.
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 4:12 PM Ian Lepore <ian at> wrote:
>>  On Wed, 2019-04-10 at 06:23 +0000, Balanga Bar wrote:
>>  > Is anyone using any Marvell Kirkwood devices?
>>  >
>>  > I'm trying to build a reliable system, but am struggling to make 
> it
>>  > work.
>>  > Could do with some help on the correct way of building it.
>>  > _______________________________________________
>>  >
>>  To be honest, the Kirkwood stuff is all but completely unsupported at
>>  this point.  A few people over the past few years have reported some
>>  success with it.  My own experience is that no armv4 or v5 platforms
>>  have really worked reliably for many years.  When it does work for
>>  people, they're just lucky that they're not running into any of the
>>  bugs that are known to exist in the old arm support.
>>  Basically the problem is resources: there is nobody both willing and
>>  able to support the old armv5 stuff anymore.  The company I work for
>>  used to put their resources into supporting old arm chips, but we've
>>  moved on to armv7 stuff for the current products, so I don't get to
>>  spend $work hours on armv5 support anymore.
>>  So all in all, you're really better off with some newer armv7 or v8
>>  (64-bit) hardware.  It's cheaper and more powerful, but you do miss out
>>  on one thing that Kirkwood supported: dual GigE ports, which just don't
>>  seem to exist in the modern arm world.
>>  -- Ian
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