Re: Using a FreeBSD desktop was somehting about dog food

From: Tomasz CEDRO <>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 12:18:06 UTC
On Sun, Mar 27, 2022, 11:26 Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:

> This means that  trouble is not coming from "Open Source" but from
> "Management of Use of Open Source "  .
> Over the years , without relentlessly I am mentioning this difficulty
> point .
> It seems that there is no hope to reach   a solution to this problem .
> I do not know why .

The root cause of this are ideologies. "change is good". "the only constant
is change". "software development is about enforcing vision". This is
mostly thanks to Microsoft. Fancy Linux "bleeding edge" followed. Then big
tech like Google with Android and Smartphones did the same what Microsoft
did with Windows and PC. Then Samsung followed. Then Apple followed. Now
it's considered standard. Building something without solid fundaments plus
constant change of the fundaments.

Look at JavaScript and try to do anything with that mess, something
fundamentally flawed but extremely available and popular, not to mention
malware showing up more and more recently in various dependencies that are
totally out of control.

This mess impacts BSD world but it is not welcome here and I hope it never
will. This is why I love BSD. More and more people can see that too :-)

