ZFS STF Test Suite

Justin T. Gibbs gibbs at FreeBSD.org
Thu Sep 20 16:46:32 UTC 2012

On Sep 18, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Justin T. Gibbs <gibbs at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Some time back, the folks at HighCloud Security ported a bunch of
> the ZFS tests from the Solaris test suite to FreeBSD.  At Spectra
> Logic, we have continued the porting effort to enable more test
> cases, and now runs these tests in our nightly continuous integration
> system.

I've published a snapshot of our work here: http://people.freebsd.org/~gibbs/freebsd_zfs_stf.tar.gz

cddl/tools/regression/stf.README has instructions on how to build and run
the tests.

cddl/tools/regression/stf.changes is a revision log (with diffs) of what
HighCloud and Spectra havedone to the code.

In briefly re-reviewing the changes, I believe that David Xu's work
to implement process shared mutexes means change set 464984 should
be redone.  I haven't verified this though.


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