PERFORCE change 19939 for review

Chris Costello chris at
Wed Oct 23 02:29:42 GMT 2002

Change 19939 by chris at chris_nailabs on 2002/10/22 19:29:30

	Remove the (largely LOMAC-centric) "TrustedBSD" section.

Affected files ...

.. //depot/projects/trustedbsd/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml#8 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/projects/trustedbsd/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.sgml#8 (text+ko) ====

@@ -944,750 +944,6 @@
-  <sect1 id="trustedbsd">
-    <sect1info>
-      <authorgroup>
-        <author>
-          <firstname>Chris</firstname>
-          <surname>Costello</surname>
-          <contrib>Written by </contrib>
-        </author>
-      </authorgroup>
-    </sect1info>
-    <title>Trusted Operating System Features</title>
-    <para>This section will give an overview of the features offered
-      by TrustedBSD.</para>
-    <sect2 id="mac">
-      <title>Mandatory Access Control Framework</title>
-      <para>This section will document the MAC framework from a user's
-        perspective.</para>
-      <sect3 id="mac-biba">
-        <title>Biba</title>
-        <para>This section will document the Biba fixed-label MAC
-          policy.</para>
-      </sect3>
-      <!-- TO BE LARGELY REWRITTEN. -->
-      <sect3 id="mac-lomac">
-	<sect3info>
-	  <authorgroup>
-	    <author>
-	      <firstname>Tim</firstname>
-	      <surname>Fraser</surname>
-	      <affiliation>
-		<orgname>NAI Labs</orgname>
-	      </affiliation>
-	    </author>
-	    <author>
-	      <firstname>Chris</firstname>
-	      <surname>Costello</surname>
-	      <affiliation>
-		<orgname>Safeport Network Services, NAI Labs</orgname>
-	      </affiliation>
-	    </author>
-	  </authorgroup>
-	</sect3info>
-        <title>Biba Low-Watermark Integrity Protection</title>
-        <para>LOMAC is a loadable kernel module-based security
-          extension available on a number of UNIX kernels. LOMAC
-          provides Low Water-Mark Mandatory Access Control
-          functionality to protect the integrity of processes and data
-          from viruses, Trojan horses, malicious remote users, and
-          compromised <username>root</username> daemons. LOMAC is
-          designed to be virtually invisible to users, and largely
-          painless to administrators.</para>
-        <para>This is the operations manual for LOMAC. It describes
-          LOMAC and the protection LOMAC provides. Please note that
-          the FreeBSD version of LOMAC is still under development.
-          Although enough functionality exists to provide some useful
-          protection, some features and fixes remain to be
-          implemented. The FreeBSD version of LOMAC should be used for
-          experimental purposes only at this time.</para>
-        <sect4>
-          <title>Introduction</title>
-          <indexterm>
-            <primary>MAC</primary>
-          </indexterm>
-          <para>Several projects have demonstrated that
-            kernel-resident Mandatory Access Control
-            (<acronym>MAC</acronym>) mechanisms can protect the
-            integrity of Free UNIX systems from malicious code and
-            users. However, implementations of these mechanisms have
-            traditionally required invasive kernel modifications,
-            sometimes coupled with supporting modifications of
-            user-space utilities, as well. This requirement has
-            hindered the adoption of MAC mechanisms in the mainstream
-            Free UNIX community. Adoption has been further discouraged
-            by the difficulty of starting small and evolving towards a
-            complete MAC solution - in general, the complete set of
-            extensive modifications must be made before MAC can
-            provide any useful protection.</para>
-          <para>LOMAC is an attempt to make an easily-adoptable form
-            of MAC integrity protection available to the Free UNIX
-            community without the discouraging necessity of kernel
-            modifications. LOMAC implements a simple form of MAC
-            integrity protection based on Biba's Low Water-Mark model
-            in a Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) Although it trades off
-            some of the advanced MAC features found in traditional MAC
-            implementations, LOMAC provides useful integrity
-            protection without any modifications to the kernel,
-            applications, or their existing configurations. LOMAC is
-            designed to be compatible with existing software, and
-            ships with a one-size-fits-all default configuration.
-            LOMAC may be used to harden cur rently-deployed FreeBSD
-            systems simply by loading the LKM into the kernel shortly
-            after boot time.</para>
-          <para>Once loaded, LOMAC divides the system into two
-            conceptual levels of integrity: high and low. The high
-            side contains all process and files that should be
-            protected from malicious code and remote users, including
-            the system binaries (<filename>/bin</filename>,
-            <filename>/lib</filename>) and configuration files
-            (<filename>/etc</filename>). The low side contains the
-            processes that interact with remote users (remote login
-            sessions, <application>httpd</application>) and the files
-            they download from the net (mail attachments). Low files
-            may contain viruses or Trojan Horses. Low processes take
-            input from remote users that may cause buffer overflows.
-            During run-time, LOMAC protects high files and processes
-            by preventing low processes from modifying or signalling
-            them. Thanks to is generic default configuration, LOMAC
-            handles the division of the system into high and low parts
-            automatically, without administrative direction.</para>
-          <para>LOMAC does not override the existing FreeBSD
-            protection mechanisms. Instead, its permission checks are
-            done in addition to the existing ones&mdash;the kernel
-            permits an operation only if both the existing mechanisms
-            and LOMAC decide it should permit it. Unlike the existing
-            FreeBSD protection mechanisms, LOMAC makes decisions based
-            solely on integrity level, not on user identity. With
-            LOMAC, a low-level <username>root</username> process is
-            just as powerless as a low-level
-            non-<username>root</username> process. Since LOMAC
-            automatically places all network servers in the low part
-            of the system, this fact prevents compromised
-            <username>root</username>-privileged network servers from
-            harming the high-integrity part of the system.</para>
-        </sect4>
-        <sect4 id="short-tour">
-          <title>A Short Tour</title>
-          <para>This section introduces LOMAC's major features. You
-            may follow these steps the first time you boot with LOMAC
-            running to ensure that your installation is
-            correct.</para>
-          <orderedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Log in as <username>root</username>, from the
-                system console.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Check to make sure that the LOMAC LKM is
-                loaded:</para>
-              <screen># /sbin/kldstat | grep lomac.ko 5    1
-                0xc13e0000 c000     lomac.ko</screen>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Look at the levels of your processes:</para>
-              <screen># ps PID LVL  TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND 251 2
-                v6  Is     0:00.37 login -p root 650 2    v6  S
-                0:00.56 -csh (csh) 665 2    v6  R+     0:00.05
-                ./ps</screen>
-              <para>Note that all your processes are running at level
-                2&mdash;LOMAC's highest level of privilege.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Look at the levels of your files.
-                (<literal>-Z</literal> shows levels.)</para>
-              <screen># ls -lZ total 62 -rw-r--r--  2 root  wheel  2
-                802 Apr 21  2001 .cshrc -rw-------  1 root  wheel  2
-                2973 Oct 12 09:41 .history -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel
-                2   142 Apr 21  2001 .klogin -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel
-                2   297 Apr 21  2001 .login ...</screen>
-              <para>Note that all your files are also at level 2.
-                Level-2 files are high-integrity&mdash;LOMAC assumes
-                that they contain no viruses or Trojan horses at boot
-                time, and limits the behavior of processes during
-                run-time to keep them that way.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Look at the levels of a normal user's files. I'll
-                use the user tfraser in the example; you'll have to
-                use one of your own users.</para>
-              <screen># ls -laZ /home/tfraser total 47 drwxr-xr-x  8
-                tfraser  staff  1  1024 Oct 25 14:30 . drwxr-xr-x  4
-                root     wheel  2 512 Aug 27 10:47 .. -rw-------  1
-                tfraser  staff  1   114 Aug 27 11:11 .Xauthority
-                -rw-------  1 tfraser  staff  1    42 Oct  4 10:17
-                .bash_history</screen>
-              <para>Note that while <filename>/home</filename> is
-                level 2 (high integrity), all of the user's files are
-                level 1 (low integrity). LOMAC assumes that any of the
-                user's files may be Trojan horses or contain
-                viruses.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Examine one of the user's files with less, and put
-                less in the background with ctrl-Z. Then run ps to
-                look at your processes.</para>
-              <screen># less /home/tfraser/.bash_history &lt;output
-                not included in document to save space&gt; ^Z
-                Suspended # ps PID LVL TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND 251
-                2    v6  Is     0:00.37 login -p root 650 2    v6  S
-                0:01.28 -csh (csh) 733 1    v6  T      0:00.08 less
-                /home/tfraser/.bash_history 735 2    v6  R+
-                0:00.05 ./ps</screen>
-              <para>Note that, although your shell
-                (<application>csh</application> in my case) is still
-                at level 2, the process running less is at level 1.
-                Here's why: Processes generally inherit the level of
-                their parent. So, any process you start with your
-                level-2 shell will initially execute at level 2. The
-                less process was no exception - it began running at
-                level 2. However, the less process went on to read the
-                user's <filename>.cshrc</filename> file. This file is
-                a level-1 file&mdash;it contains low-integrity data.
-                Whenever LOMAC sees a level-2 process read a level-1
-                file, LOMAC "demotes" the process. That is, it reduces
-                the process to level 1.</para>
-              <para>Level-2 processes have maximum privileges (like
-                <username>root</username> in standard UNIX). Level-1
-                processes have greatly reduced privileges. For
-                example, they cannot write to level-2 files, or signal
-                level-2 processes. When a level-2 process reads a
-                level-1 file, it puts itself at risk. The file may be
-                a Trojan horse or may contain data designed to cause
-                buffer overflows. Because of this risk, LOMAC demotes
-                level-2 processes that read level-1 files to level 1.
-                Once at level 1, these processes have insufficient
-                privilege to harm level-2 processes and files.</para>
-              <para>Many cautious UNIX administrators avoid putting
-                "." in their PATH environment variable, in order to
-                avoid executing some Trojan horses. In standard UNIX,
-                a malicious user might give an attack program the same
-                name as a commonly-used command like ls. If the
-                administrator, running as <username>root</username>,
-                were to cd to the malicious user's directory and type
-                ls, if the "." preceded <filename>/bin</filename> in
-                their path, they would accidentally execute the
-                malicious <application>ls</application> rather than
-                <filename>/bin/ls</filename>. This act would
-                effectively execute the malicious user's Trojan horse
-                program with <username>root</username> privileges,
-                perhaps to modify the login program or the
-                <filename>passwd</filename> file.</para>
-              <para>This precaution is not required in a system
-                running LOMAC. LOMAC considers the execution of a
-                program to be equivalent to a read (since the process
-                reads the program file in order to execute it). Since
-                all non-<username>root</username> user's files are at
-                level 1, LOMAC would demote the process executing the
-                Trojan ls, just as it demoted less in our example,
-                above. Once at level 1, LOMAC would prevent the Trojan
-                ls from modifying level-2 files such as the login
-                program or the passwd file.</para>
-              <para>Demotion is a key part of the LOMAC's integrity
-                protection scheme. Now that we've demonstrated how it
-                works, we're now done with less. Quit the less
-                program.</para>
-              <screen># fg &lt;output not included in document to save
-                space&gt; q</screen>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Create a test file. We'll use this test file to
-                demonstrate LOMAC's integrity protection later
-                on.</para>
-              <screen># cat > /root/foo This file contains test data.
-                ^D</screen>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para><command>tail -f
-                  /var/log/messages</command></para>
-              <para>Leave this running while you continue the tour.
-                It's output will contain LOMAC log messages as we
-                proceed.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Switch to another virtual console and log in as a
-                normal user. Once logged in, examine the levels of
-                your processes:</para>
-              <screen>$ ps PID LVL  TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND 742 1
-                v7  S      0:00.48 -tcsh (tcsh) 750 1    v7  R+
-                0:00.05 ps</screen>
-              <para>Note that as a normal user, all of your processes
-                are at level 1. Why? Switch back to the virtual
-                console where you are logged in as
-                <username>root</username>. You should see a log
-                message similar to:</para>
-              <programlisting>Oct 25 14:44:54 myhost
-                /boot/kernel/kernel: LOMAC: level-2 subject
-                p252g252u1002:login demoted to level 1 after reading
-                under "/usr/home"</programlisting>
-              <para>All the getty programs that handle logins run at
-                level 2. When a user attempts to log in, they run the
-                login program, which also runs at level 2. Upon
-                supplying the proper password, the login program
-                starts a shell for the user
-                (<application>tcsh</application> in this case). The
-                shell starts at level 2, but LOMAC demotes it to level
-                1 when it reads the user's <filename>.cshrc</filename>
-                file, just as it demoted the less program, above. Once
-                the user's shell is running at level 1, all of the
-                programs subsequently executed by the user will run at
-                level 1, also.</para>
-              <para>Our <username>root</username> shell from the start
-                of the tour remains at level-2 because LOMAC has set
-                all of <username>root</username>'s files at level 2. A
-                level-2 process may read level-2 files without being
-                demoted. The user's shell is demoted because it reads
-                the user's level-1 files. LOMAC does not assign levels
-                to processes based on the user's
-                <username>root</username>/non-<username>root</username> 
-                identity. LOMAC assigns levels to files by starting
-                the first process (init) at level 2, allowing child
-                processes to inherit their parent's level, and by
-                demoting processes that read level-1 files. LOMAC does
-                not pay any attention to user identity. Consequently,
-                LOMAC is not vulnerable to any of the traditional
-                attacks on UNIX security that involve obtaining
-                <username>root</username> identity.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Test the above assertion that LOMAC does not give
-                any extra privileges to processes with
-                <username>root</username> identity. Switch back to the
-                normal user's shell and become
-                <username>root</username>.</para>
-              <screen>&prompt.user; su Password: # ps PID LVL  TT STAT
-                TIME COMMAND 252 1    v7  Is     0:00.39 login -p
-                tfraser 751 1 v7  I 0:00.18 su 752 1    v7  S
-                0:00.43 _su (csh) 755 1 v7  R+ 0:00.05 ps</screen>
-              <para>Note that, despite the <command>su</command>, your
-                shell is still at level 1. LOMAC never increases the
-                level of a process. Now attempt to delete the
-                <filename>/root/foo</filename> file you created
-                earlier.</para>
-              <screen># ls -lZ /root/foo -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2
-                30 Oct 25 14:44 /root/foo # rm /root/foo rm:
-                /root/foo: Operation not permitted</screen>
-              <para>Even though you are <username>root</username>,
-                LOMAC will not allow a level-1 process
-                (<command>rm</command> in this case) to delete a
-                level-2 file. You should see a log message similar to
-                this one in on the <username>root</username> virtual
-                console that is tailing /var/log/messages:</para>
-              <programlisting>Oct 25 14:50:52 myhost
-                /boot/kernel/kernel: LOMAC: level-1 proc p763g763u0:rm
-                denied delete to level-2 object under
-                "/"</programlisting>
-              <para>This concludes the short tour.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </orderedlist>
-        </sect4>
-        <sect4>
-          <title>LOMAC and Network Applications</title>
-          <para>This section explains how LOMAC uses its demotion
-            behavior to ensure that all remote users and servers that
-            serve remote users (<application>httpd</application>,
-            <application>ftpd</application>, etc.) run at level 1. At
-            this level, malicious remote users and compromised network
-            servers can do little harm to the level-2 part of the
-            system, even if they have <username>root</username>
-            privilege. It also discusses a few of the finer points
-            concerning LOMAC's protection scheme not already covered
-            in the <link linkend="short-tour">Short Tour</link>
-            section, above. The basic elements of LOMAC's integrity
-            protection scheme are summarized here:</para>
-          <orderedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>LOMAC assigns every process, or named filesystem
-                object (file, named pipe, or bound UNIX-domain socket)
-                a level: either 1 (low integrity) or 2 (high
-                integrity).</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>LOMAC assigns levels to filesystem objects based
-                on their location in the filesystem namespace. The
-                mapping between names and levels constitutes most of
-                LOMAC's "default policy", and is presently hardcoded
-                into the LKM. Once assigned, the levels of filesystem
-                objects never change.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>The first process (init) starts at level 2. All
-                child processes inherit the level of their parent.
-                Only when a level-2 process reads from a level-1
-                object does LOMAC demote the process to level
-                1.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Level-1 processes have insufficient privilege to
-                write to level-2 objects or signal level-2 processes.
-                This protects the level-2 part of the system from
-                malicious interference.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>The combination of LOMAC's demotion behavior and
-                its restrictions on the privileges of level-1
-                processes prevent malicious level-1 users from harming
-                the level-2 part of the system, even in cases where
-                level-2 administrators accidentally execute malicious
-                user's Trojan horses.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </orderedlist>
-          <para>In UNIX, network servers are generally started
-            automatically by the init process, or by one of its
-            children. With LOMAC, this arrangement guarantees that
-            network servers inherit the init process's level of 2. In
-            addition to demoting level-2 processes upon reading
-            level-1 files, LOMAC also demotes level-2 processes when
-            they read from a network interface. Consequently, LOMAC
-            demotes network server as soon as they read their first
-            client request from the network. Just as LOMAC assigns
-            appropriate levels to user shells based on their
-            file-reading behavior, not their user's identity, this
-            scheme allows LOMAC to demote network servers without
-            initially knowing which programs are network servers:
-            LOMAC simply allows the init program to start all of its
-            servers at level 2, and subsequently demotes those servers
-            which read from a network interface.</para>
-          <para>LOMAC uses the same strategy to ensure that remote
-            users run at level 1: it demotes the remote login
-            (telnetd, rlogind) servers when they receive their first
-            login request, as described above. LOMAC's ability to
-            automatically determine the proper levels for users and
-            servers during runtime is the feature which allows it to
-            avoid site-specific configuration and ship with a
-            one-size-fits-all default policy.</para>
-          <para>Here is an example of an httpd server before it reads
-            its first request. Note that the httpd server is comprised
-            of 5 processes, all at level 2.</para>
-          <screen># ps -U nobody PID LVL  TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND
-            369 2    ??  I      0:00.03 /usr/local/sbin/httpd 370 2
-            ??  I 0:00.03 /usr/local/sbin/httpd 371 2    ??  I
-            0:00.03 /usr/local/sbin/httpd 372 2    ??  I      0:00.03
-            /usr/local/sbin/httpd 373 2    ??  I      0:00.03
-            /usr/local/sbin/httpd</screen>
-          <para>After httpd reads its first request from the network,
-            you should see a message similar to this one in
-            /var/log/messages:</para>
-          <programlisting>Oct 25 16:16:24 myhost /boot/kernel/kernel:
-            LOMAC: level-2 subject p369g368u65534:httpd demoted to
-            level 1 after reading from the network</programlisting>
-          <para>And running ps again will produce:</para>
-          <programlisting>      PID LVL  TT  STAT      TIME COMMAND
-            369 1    ??  S      0:00.30 /usr/local/sbin/httpd 370 2
-            ??  I 0:00.03 /usr/local/sbin/httpd 371 2    ??  I
-            0:00.03 /usr/local/sbin/httpd 372 2    ??  I      0:00.03
-            /usr/local/sbin/httpd 373 2    ??  I      0:00.03
-            /usr/local/sbin/httpd 1572 2    ??  S      0:00.06
-            /usr/local/sbin/httpd</programlisting>
-          <para>LOMAC demoted httpd process 369 as soon as it read its
-            first client request.</para>
-        </sect4>
-        <sect4>
-          <title>LOMAC and Traditional UNIX Access Control</title>
-          <para>LOMAC does not override the existing FreeBSD
-            protection mechanisms. Instead, its permission checks are
-            done in addition to the existing ones&mdash;the kernel
-            permits an operation only if both the existing mechanisms
-            and LOMAC decide the kernel should permit it.</para>
-          <para>There are three main differences between the integrity
-            protection scheme implemented by LOMAC and traditional
-            UNIX security mechanisms:</para>
-          <orderedlist>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Traditional UNIX provides mechanisms by which
-                processes can increase their privileges by changing
-                their effective identities. Although UNIX systems can
-                be configured to prevent malicious users from
-                exploiting these mechanisms in most cases, they can
-                also be misconfigured, and good configurations can be
-                foiled by bugs in user-space application programs.
-                LOMAC provides no mechanism to allow a process to
-                increase its level.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Traditional UNIX access control mechanisms are not
-                designed to prevent the flow of potentially dangerous
-                data from low-integrity objects to high-integrity
-                objects. That is, from files owned by one user to
-                those owned by another - even to those owned by
-                <username>root</username>. The Trojan ls scenario in
-                the <link linkend="short-tour">Short Tour</link>
-                section describes one well-known example of this
-                vulnerability, and how LOMAC counters it.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-              <para>Although many enhancements now exist, in its most
-                basic form traditional UNIX depends on easily defeated
-                authentication mechanisms to establish appropriate
-                initial privilege levels. LOMAC assigns privilege
-                levels to processes based on their reading behavior.
-                As described above, the effect of LOMAC's policy is to
-                give the highest level of privilege only local
-                administrative users, and the lowest level of
-                privilege to all others, regardless of identity. LOMAC
-                does not consider user identity; consequently, it does
-                not depend on authentication.</para>
-            </listitem>
-          </orderedlist>
-        </sect4>
-        <sect4>
-          <title>Limits of LOMAC's Protection</title>
-          <para>LOMAC embodies a trade-off between quality of MAC
-            protection and compatibility. LOMAC's primary goal is to
-            remain compatible with existing software while providing
-            some useful MAC integrity protection. The Low Water-Mark
-            MAC model supports this compatibility-first requirement.
-            However, it the quality of protection it provides is not
-            as great as that provided by more modern, less compatible,
-            models. This issue is discussed at length in. This section
-            presents the two well-known primary quality-of-protection
-            drawbacks of the Low Water-Mark model: its enforcement of
-            the principle of least privilege, and its reliance on
-            trusted applications.</para>
-          <para>The first drawback of the Low Water-Mark MAC scheme
-            concerns the Principle of Least Privilege, which holds
-            that a good MAC scheme should grant a subject the minimum
-            set of privileges needed to do its job [SAL75].
-            Constraining a subject in this way minimizes the amount of
-            damage the subject can cause should it become compromised.
-            Low Water-Mark provides weaker constraints than some more
-            modern models. The LOMAC AND NETWORK APPLICATIONS section
-            describes how LOMAC protects the level-2 part of the
-            system by demoting network servers to level 1. Although
-            LOMAC will prevent a compromised level-1 network server
-            from harming the level-2 part of the system, LOMAC will
-            not prevent such a server from doing harm in the level-1
-            remainder of the system. A compromised
-            <username>root</username>-privileged network server could,
-            for example, send kill signals to another level-1
-            server.</para>
-          <!-- BIBLIO REFERENCE -->
-          <para>The second drawback of the Low Water-Mark MAC scheme
-            is its reliance on trusted applications. This reliance is
-            a feature of hierarchical models like Low Water-Mark
-            [BOE85]. The dhclient(8) client-side DHCP agent is a good
-            example of LOMAC's reliance on trusted applications: As
-            described in the LOMAC AND NETWORK APPLICATIONS section,
-            LOMAC protects the integrity of the level-2 part of the
-            system by demoting all applications which read from the
-            network to level 1. Once demoted, these applications can
-            no longer modify level-2 files. Although this demotion and
-            confinement prevents potentially-compromised network
-            applications provides useful protection, it also prevents
-            applications like dhclient from operating properly.</para>
-          <para>The dhclient application reads DHCP information from
-            the network and attempts to update the host's
-            <filename>/etc</filename> configuration files,
-            accordingly. This is exactly the kind of
-            potentially-dangerous behavior that is prohibited by
-            LOMAC; a dhclient that LOMAC has demoted to level 1 cannot
-            modify <filename>/etc</filename> configuration files.
-            Although dangerous, dhclient's behavior is required for
-            the proper operation of some systems.</para>
-          <para>LOMAC must provide an exception to its policy in order
-            to allow dhclient to run, and "trust" dhclient not to
-            abuse this exceptional privilege. LOMAC sets the special
-            "NONETDEMOTE" flag on all processes running the dhclient
-            program. LOMAC will not demote a process with this flag
-            set when that process reads from the network. This
-            exception allows a level-2 dhclient to stay at level 2
-            after reading DHCP information from the network,
-            permitting it to modify <filename>/etc</filename>
-            configuration files as it chooses.</para>
-          <para>The FreeBSD version of LOMAC presently two flags for
-            processes, each implementing a specific flavor of
-            trust:</para>
-          <variablelist>
-            <varlistentry>
-              <term>
-                <constant>NONETDEMOTE</constant>
-              </term>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>LOMAC will not demote a processes after reading
-                  from the network provided that it has this flag
-                  set.</para>
-              </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-              <term>
-                <constant>NODEMOTE</constant>
-              </term>
-              <listitem>
-                <para>LOMAC will never demote a process that has this
-                  flag set.</para>
-              </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-          </variablelist>
-          <para>Note that, although these flags allow level-2
-            processes to escape demotion, they do not allow a level-1
-            process to raise its level to 2. LOMAC does not provide
-            any such promotion mechanism.</para>
-          <para>LOMAC will set a process's
-            <constant>NONETDEMOTE</constant> or
-            <constant>NODEMOTE</constant> flag when that process
-            executes a particular program, such as dhclient. In
-            addition, once a process has one of these flags set, any
-            children it subsequently creates will have the same flag
-            set. LOMAC maintains a short list mapping programs to
-            process trust flags. Eventually, that list will be shown
-            here. However, since the FreeBSD version of LOMAC is still
-            under development, the membership of the list is still
-            fluid. The best reference is the LOMAC source code,
-            specifically <filename>policy_plm.h</filename>.</para>
-          <para>If you create symlinks to <filename>env</filename>
-            named <filename>env-nonetdemote</filename> and
-            <filename>env-nodemote</filename> , executing env through
-            these symlinks will cause env and its child processes to
-            run with the <constant>NONETDEMOTE</constant> and
-            <constant>NODEMOTE</constant> flags, respectively. This
-            feature may be an aid to administration, particularly when
-            downloading and installing new software.</para>
-        </sect4>
-      </sect3>
-      <sect3 id="mac-mls">
-        <title>Multi-Level Security</title>
-        <para>This section will document the MLS policy.</para>
-      </sect3>
-      <sect3 id="mac-te">
-        <title>Type Enforcement</title>
-        <para>This section will document the Type Enforcement
-          policy.</para>
-      </sect3>
-      <sect3 id="mac-bsdextended">
-        <title>BSD Extended</title>
-        <para>This section will document the BSD Extended
-          policy.</para>
-      </sect3>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 id="acl">
-      <title>Access Control Lists</title>
-      <para>This section will document ACLs.</para>
-      <sect3 id="acl-enable">
-        <title>Configuring ACLs</title>
-        <para>This section will include the commands and kernel
-          options necessary to enable ACLs on a given file
-          system.</para>
-      </sect3>
-      <sect3 id="acl-example">
-        <title>Examples Using ACLs</title>
-        <para>This section will include a few hypothetical system
-          situations and appropriate ACL configuration for each
-          case.</para>
-      </sect3>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 id="capabilities">
-      <title>POSIX.1e Capabilities</title>
-      <para>This section will explain POSIX.1e Capabilities.</para>
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
   <sect1 id="crypt">
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