svn commit: r346304 - stable/12/sys/conf
Kyle Evans
kevans at
Tue Sep 3 14:07:52 UTC 2019
Author: kevans
Date: Tue Apr 16 21:09:57 2019
New Revision: 346304
MFC r345519: DTS/DTSO makeoptions
Allow kernel config to specify DTS/DTSO to build, and out-of-tree support
This allows for directives such as
makeoptions DTS+=/out/of/tree/myboard.dts
# in tree! Same rules applied as if this were in a dtb/ module
makeoptions DTS+=otherboard.dts
to be specified in config(5) and have these built/installed alongside th
kernel. The assumption that overlays live in an overlays/ directory is only
made for in-tree DTSO, but we still make the assumption that out-of-tree
arm64 DTS will be in vendored directories (for now).
This lowers the cost to hacking on an overlay or dts by being able to
quickly throw it in a custom config, especially if it doesn't fit one of the
current dtb/modules quite appropriately or it's not intended for commit
The build/install targets were split out of to centralize the build
logic and leave out the all/realinstall/CLEANFILES additions... it was
believed that we didn't want to pollute the kernel build with these.
The build rules were converted to suffix rules at the suggestion of Ian to
clean things up a little bit in a world where we can have mixed
in-tree/out-of-tree DTS/DTSO specified.
- copied unchanged from r345519, head/sys/conf/
Directory Properties:
stable/12/ (props changed)
Copied: stable/12/sys/conf/ (from r345519, head/sys/conf/
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ stable/12/sys/conf/ Tue Apr 16 21:09:57 2019 (r346304, copy of r345519, head/sys/conf/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+.include <>
+# Grab all the options for a kernel build. For backwards compat, we need to
+# do this after
+.include ""
+DTC?= dtc
+.if !defined(SYSDIR)
+.if defined(S)
+# Search for kernel source tree in standard places.
+.for _dir in ${.CURDIR}/../.. ${.CURDIR}/../../.. /sys /usr/src/sys
+.if exists(${_dir}/kern/)
+SYSDIR= ${_dir:tA}
+.endif # defined(S)
+.endif # defined(SYSDIR)
+.if !defined(SYSDIR) || !exists(${SYSDIR}/kern/)
+.error "can't find kernel source tree"
+.SUFFIXES: .dtb .dts .dtbo .dtso
+.PATH.dts: ${SYSDIR}/gnu/dts/${MACHINE} ${SYSDIR}/dts/${MACHINE}
+.PATH.dtso: ${SYSDIR}/dts/${MACHINE}/overlays
+.export DTC ECHO
+.dts.dtb: ${OP_META}
+ @${ECHO} Generating ${.TARGET} from ${.IMPSRC}
+ @${SYSDIR}/tools/fdt/ ${SYSDIR} ${.IMPSRC} ${.OBJDIR}
+.dtso.dtbo: ${OP_META}
+ @${ECHO} Generating ${.TARGET} from ${.IMPSRC}
+ @${SYSDIR}/tools/fdt/ ${SYSDIR} ${.IMPSRC} ${.OBJDIR}
+# Add dependencies on the source file so that out-of-tree things can be included
+# without any .PATH additions.
+.for _dts in ${DTS}
+${_dts:R:T}.dtb: ${_dts}
+.for _dtso in ${DTSO}
+${_dtso:R:T}.dtbo: ${_dtso}
+# Need to create this because installkernel doesn't invoke mtree with BSD.root.mtree
+# to make sure the tree is setup properly. We don't recreate it to avoid duplicate
+# entries in the NO_ROOT case.
+ test -d ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR} || ${INSTALL} -d -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}
+.for _dtb in ${DTB}
+.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64"
+ # :H:T here to grab the vendor component of the DTB path in a way that
+ # allows out-of-tree DTS builds, too. We make the assumption that
+ # out-of-tree DTS will have a similar directory structure to in-tree,
+ # with .dts files appearing in a vendor/ directory.
+ test -d ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}/${_dtb:H:T} || ${INSTALL} -d -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}/${_dtb:H:T}
+ ${INSTALL} -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} -m ${DTBMODE} \
+ ${_INSTALLFLAGS} ${_dtb:T} ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}/${_dtb:H:T}
+ ${INSTALL} -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} -m ${DTBMODE} \
+ test -d ${DESTDIR}${DTBODIR} || ${INSTALL} -d -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} ${DESTDIR}${DTBODIR}
+.for _dtbo in ${DTBO}
+ ${INSTALL} -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} -m ${DTBMODE} \
Modified: stable/12/sys/conf/
--- stable/12/sys/conf/ Tue Apr 16 21:02:41 2019 (r346303)
+++ stable/12/sys/conf/ Tue Apr 16 21:09:57 2019 (r346304)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
# DTS List of the dts files to build and install.
+# DTSO List of the dts overlay files to build and install.
# DTBDIR Base path for dtb modules [/boot/dtb]
# DTBOWN .dtb file owner. [${BINOWN}]
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@
# +++ targets +++
-# install:
+# install:
# install the kernel module; if the Makefile
# does not itself define the target install, the targets
# beforeinstall and afterinstall may also be used to cause
@@ -28,78 +30,15 @@
# is executed.
-.include <>
-# Grab all the options for a kernel build. For backwards compat, we need to
-# do this after
-.include ""
+.include ""
-DTC?= dtc
-# Search for kernel source tree in standard places.
-.for _dir in ${.CURDIR}/../.. ${.CURDIR}/../../.. /sys /usr/src/sys
-.if !defined(SYSDIR) && exists(${_dir}/kern/)
-SYSDIR= ${_dir:tA}
-.if !defined(SYSDIR) || !exists(${SYSDIR}/kern/)
-.error "can't find kernel source tree"
-.SUFFIXES: .dtb .dts .dtbo .dtso
-.PATH: ${SYSDIR}/gnu/dts/${MACHINE} ${SYSDIR}/dts/${MACHINE} ${SYSDIR}/dts/${MACHINE}/overlays
+.if !target(install) && !target(realinstall)
all: ${DTB} ${DTBO}
-.if defined(DTS)
-.export DTC ECHO
-.for _dts in ${DTS}
-${_dts:R:S/$/.dtb/}: ${_dts} ${OP_META}
- @${ECHO} Generating ${.TARGET} from ${_dts}
- @${SYSDIR}/tools/fdt/ ${SYSDIR} ${_dts} ${.OBJDIR}
-.if defined(DTSO)
-.export DTC ECHO
-.for _dtso in ${DTSO}
-${_dtso:R:S/$/.dtbo/}: ${_dtso} ${OP_META}
- @${ECHO} Generating ${.TARGET} from ${_dtso}
- @${SYSDIR}/tools/fdt/ ${SYSDIR} overlays/${_dtso} ${.OBJDIR}
-.if !target(install)
-.if !target(realinstall)
realinstall: _dtbinstall
-.ORDER: beforeinstall _kmodinstall
-# Need to create this because installkernel doesn't invoke mtree with BSD.root.mtree
-# to make sure the tree is setup properly. We don't recreate it to avoid duplicate
-# entries in the NO_ROOT case.
- test -d ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR} || ${INSTALL} -d -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}
-.for _dtb in ${DTB}
-.if ${MACHINE_CPUARCH} == "aarch64"
- test -d ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}/${_dtb:H} || ${INSTALL} -d -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}/${_dtb:H}
- ${INSTALL} -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} -m ${DTBMODE} \
- ${_INSTALLFLAGS} ${_dtb:T} ${DESTDIR}${DTBDIR}/${_dtb:H}
- ${INSTALL} -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} -m ${DTBMODE} \
- test -d ${DESTDIR}${DTBODIR} || ${INSTALL} -d -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} ${DESTDIR}${DTBODIR}
-.for _dtbo in ${DTBO}
- ${INSTALL} -o ${DTBOWN} -g ${DTBGRP} -m ${DTBMODE} \
-.endif # !target(realinstall)
-.endif # !target(install)
+.ORDER: beforeinstall _dtbinstall
+.endif # !target(install) && !target(realinstall)
.include <>
.include <>
Modified: stable/12/sys/conf/
--- stable/12/sys/conf/ Tue Apr 16 21:02:41 2019 (r346303)
+++ stable/12/sys/conf/ Tue Apr 16 21:09:57 2019 (r346304)
@@ -8,6 +8,16 @@
# should be defined in the so that port makefiles can
# override or augment them.
+.if defined(DTS) || defined(DTSO)
+.include ""
+kernel-install: _dtbinstall
+.ORDER: beforeinstall _dtbinstall
# In case the config had a makeoptions DESTDIR...
.if defined(DESTDIR)
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