svn commit: r313675 - in head/sys: netinet netinet6

Dmitry Morozovsky marck at
Mon Feb 13 12:04:51 UTC 2017

On Sun, 12 Feb 2017, Glen Barber wrote:

[snip previous]

> > I didn't read this when I hit send on my email. Hopefully nobody takes 
> > offense. I was upset and still am.
> > 
> > I still think that the revision numbers of any backout should have been 
> > documented in the commit log.
> > 
> I absolutely agree, and was the key meaning behind my "what exactly does
> this mean?" reply.  The commit log, as-is, provides nothing useful to
> the reader.
> > Something we could do, as is expected by re@ for commits during a freeze, 
> > is metees also let their mentors know of what the contents of commit log 
> > messages will be. I think commit log messages discussing the what, why and 
> > rationale are as important as the code itself.
> > 
> I thought this was standard practice.  But if not, I would agree that
> both code changes and the commit log should be both approved by the
> mentor.

Shouldn't we then emphacise this in the Committer's Guide?

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
[ FreeBSD committer:                                 marck at ]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- marck at ***

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