svn commit: r366405 - in head/databases: . p5-Net-Async-CassandraCQL

Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh sunpoet at
Fri Aug 29 20:09:23 UTC 2014

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 2:41 AM, Kurt Jaeger <pi at> wrote:

> Hi!
> > In real life, modules from Test:: namespace usually requires only for
> > tests. No issue for people who using binary packages, but extra deps for
> > people who still using ports.
> >
> If I build it in poudriere with the p5-Test-* ports as TEST_DEPENDS
> instead of BUILD_DEPENDS, the message during build is:
> [...]
> Checking prerequisites...
>   build_requires:
>     !  Test::Identity is not installed
>     !  Test::Refcount is not installed
> ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES.  You may wish to install the
> versions
> of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation.
> [...]
> See
> So I assume BUILD_DEPENDS is correct. Do you see other options
> on how to handle this ?
> --
> pi at         +49 171 3101372                6 years to go !

TEST_DEPENDS is correct.
The author should use "test_requires" instead of "build_requires" in this
The following results show that Test::{Identity,Refcount} are only for test
purpose and not required for runtime.

% grep -r Test::Identity *
Build.PL:      'Test::Identity' => 0,
META.json:            "Test::Identity" : "0",
META.yml:  Test::Identity: '0'
t/25clustering-prefer-dc.t:use Test::Identity;
t/21prepare.t:use Test::Identity;
t/22clustering.t:use Test::Identity;
t/20connect.t:use Test::Identity;
t/23clustering-primaries.t:use Test::Identity;
t/24clustering-events.t:use Test::Identity;

% grep -r Test::Refcount *
Build.PL:      'Test::Refcount' => 0,
META.json:            "Test::Refcount" : "0"
META.yml:  Test::Refcount: '0'
t/25clustering-prefer-dc.t:use Test::Refcount;
t/21prepare.t:use Test::Refcount;
t/22clustering.t:use Test::Refcount;
t/23clustering-primaries.t:use Test::Refcount;
t/24clustering-events.t:use Test::Refcount;

For p5-* ports, please make sure the modules listed in Build.PL or
Makefile.PL are truly required.
At least a simply "grep" would help to determine if TEST_DEPENDS is more
suitable, especially for Test::* dependencies.

BTW, there are something can be improved in the Makefile:
- MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR is unnecessary.
- Please respect minimal version requirement in Build.PL / Makefile.PL, e.g.
  Future: '0.17'
  IO::Async::Loop: '0.54'
  IO::Async::Stream: '0.59'
  Protocol::CassandraCQL: '0.11'
is incorrect


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