svn commit: r325805 - head/Mk

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at
Sun Sep 1 13:43:16 UTC 2013

On 9/1/2013 5:59 AM, Anton Berezin wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 05:58:41PM -0400, Sahil Tandon wrote:
>> On Sat, 2013-08-31 at 13:22:02 +0000, Bryan Drewery wrote:
>>> Log:
>>>   - make fetch/checksum: If a fetched file does not match the expected size,
>>>     delete it and try the next site, if there is one to try.
>> [...]
>>> +					actual_size=`stat -f %z "$${file}"`; \
>>> +					if [ $${actual_size} -eq $${CKSIZE} ]; then \
>>> +						continue 2; \
>>> +					else \
>>> +						${ECHO_MSG} "=> Fetched file size mismatch (expected $${CKSIZE}, actual $${actual_size})"; \
>>> +						if [ $${sites_remaining} -gt 1 ]; then \
>>> +							${ECHO_MSG} "=> Trying next site"; \
>>> +							${RM} -f $${file}; \
>>> +						fi; \
>>> +					fi; \
>>>  				fi; \
>>>  			done; \
>>>  			${ECHO_MSG} "=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this";\
>> I have not had time to properly investigate, but could the above explain
>> the following behavior?  Or, perhaps I've messed up something in my
>> local environment.  Sorry for the line-wraps:

Fixed, sorry about that.

Bryan Drewery

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