svn commit: r52352 - in head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook: special uses

Tobias Kortkamp tobik at
Thu Oct 11 06:30:20 UTC 2018

Author: tobik (ports committer)
Date: Thu Oct 11 06:30:19 2018
New Revision: 52352

  Introduce USES=qt to the Porter's Handbook
  Approved by:	mat, tcberner
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml	Wed Oct 10 13:29:03 2018	(r52351)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml	Thu Oct 11 06:30:19 2018	(r52352)
@@ -2548,14 +2548,13 @@ GLIB_SCHEMAS=	 org.regexxer.gschema.xml
       <para>The Ports Collection provides support for Qt 4 and Qt 5
 	frameworks with
-	<varname>USE_QT<replaceable>x</replaceable></varname>,
+	<varname>USES+=qt:<replaceable>x</replaceable></varname>,
 	where <replaceable>x</replaceable> is
 	<literal>4</literal> or <literal>5</literal>.
-	Set <varname>USE_QT<replaceable>x</replaceable></varname>
-	to the list of required Qt components (libraries,
-	tools, plugins).  The Qt 4 and Qt 5 frameworks are quite
-	similar.  The main difference is the set of supported
-	components.</para>
+	Set <varname>USE_QT</varname> to the list of required
+	Qt components (libraries, tools, plugins).  The Qt 4
+	and Qt 5 frameworks are quite similar.  The main
+	difference is the set of supported components.</para>
       <para>The Qt framework exports a number of variables which can
 	be used by ports, some of them listed below:</para>
@@ -2566,12 +2565,6 @@ GLIB_SCHEMAS=	 org.regexxer.gschema.xml
 	<tgroup cols="2">
-	      <entry><varname>QT_PREFIX</varname></entry>
-	      <entry>Set to the path where Qt was installed
-		(<literal>${LOCALBASE}</literal>).</entry>
-	    </row>
-	    <row>
 	      <entry>Full path to <command>qmake</command>
@@ -2616,34 +2609,13 @@ GLIB_SCHEMAS=	 org.regexxer.gschema.xml
-      <para>When using the Qt framework, these
-	settings are deployed:</para>
-      <programlisting>CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-qt-includes=${QT_INCDIR} \
-			--with-qt-libraries=${QT_LIBDIR} \
-			--with-extra-libs=${LOCALBASE}/lib \
-			--with-extra-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include
-		MOC="${MOC}" RCC="${RCC}" UIC="${UIC}" \
-		QT_PLUGINDIR=${QT_PLUGINDIR_REL}</programlisting>
-      <para>Some configure scripts do not support the arguments above.
-	To suppress modification of<varname>CONFIGURE_ENV</varname>
-	and <varname>CONFIGURE_ARGS</varname>, set
-	<varname>QT_NONSTANDARD</varname>.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="qt-components">
       <title>Component Selection</title>
       <para>Individual Qt tool and library dependencies must be
-	specified in
-	<varname>USE_QT<replaceable>x</replaceable></varname>.
+	specified in <varname>USE_QT</varname>.
 	Every component can be suffixed with
 	<literal>_build</literal> or <literal>_run</literal>, the
 	suffix indicating whether the dependency on the component is
@@ -2657,7 +2629,7 @@ PLIST_SUB+=	QT_INCDIR=${QT_INCDIR_REL} \
 	listed in <varname>_USE_QT_ALL</varname>,
 	<varname>_USE_QT4_ONLY</varname>, and
 	<varname>_USE_QT5_ONLY</varname> in
-	<filename>/usr/ports/Mk/</filename>):</para>
+	<filename>/usr/ports/Mk/Uses/</filename>):</para>
       <table frame="none" xml:id="using-qt-library-list">
 	<title>Available Qt Library Components</title>
@@ -2835,31 +2807,79 @@ PLIST_SUB+=	QT_INCDIR=${QT_INCDIR_REL} \
 	  only needed at buildtime, thus they are specified with the
 	  <literal>_build</literal> suffix:</para>
-	<programlisting>USE_QT4=	gui moc_build qmake_build rcc_build uic_build</programlisting>
+	<programlisting>USES=	qt:4
+USE_QT=	gui moc_build qmake_build rcc_build uic_build</programlisting>
     <sect2 xml:id="using-qmake">
       <title>Using <command>qmake</command></title>
       <para>If the application provides a
 	<application>qmake</application> project file
 	(<filename>*.pro</filename>), define
 	<literal>USES= qmake</literal> along with
-	<literal>USE_QT<replaceable>x</replaceable></literal>.  Note
-	that <literal>USES= qmake</literal> already implies a build
-	dependency on qmake, therefore the qmake component can be
-	omitted from
-	<literal>USE_QT<replaceable>x</replaceable></literal>.
-	Similar to <link
+	<literal>USE_QT</literal>.  <literal>USES= qmake</literal>
+	already implies a build dependency on qmake, therefore the
+	qmake component can be omitted from
+	<literal>USE_QT</literal>.  Similar to <link
 	<application>qmake</application> supports out-of-source
 	builds, which can be enabled by specifying the
 	<literal>outsource</literal> argument (see <link
 	  linkend="using-qmake-example"><literal>USES= qmake</literal>
-	  example</link>).</para>
+	example</link>).  Also see <xref
+	  linkend="using-qmake-arguments" />.</para>
+      <table frame="none" xml:id="using-qmake-arguments">
+	<title>Possible Arguments for
+	  <literal>USES= qmake</literal></title>
+	<tgroup cols="2">
+	  <thead>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry>Variable</entry>
+	      <entry>Description</entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </thead>
+	  <tbody>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>no_configure</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Do not add the configure target.  This is
+		implied by <literal>HAS_CONFIGURE=yes</literal>
+		and <literal>GNU_CONFIGURE=yes</literal>.
+		It is required when the build only needs the
+		environment setup from
+		<literal>USES= qmake</literal>, but otherwise runs
+		<command>qmake</command> on its own.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>no_env</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Suppress modification of the configure and make
+		environments.  It is only required when
+		<command>qmake</command> is used to configure the
+		software and the build fails to understand the
+		environment setup by
+		<literal>USES= qmake</literal>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>norecursive</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Do not pass the <literal>-recursive</literal>
+		argument to <command>qmake</command>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><literal>outsource</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Perform an out-of-source build.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </tbody>
+	</tgroup>
+      </table>
       <table frame="none" xml:id="using-qmake-variables">
 	<title>Variables for Ports That Use
@@ -2868,7 +2888,7 @@ PLIST_SUB+=	QT_INCDIR=${QT_INCDIR_REL} \
-	      <entry>Means</entry>
+	      <entry>Description</entry>
@@ -2900,18 +2920,39 @@ PLIST_SUB+=	QT_INCDIR=${QT_INCDIR_REL} \
+      <para>When using <literal>USES= qmake</literal>, these
+	settings are deployed:</para>
+      <programlisting>CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-qt-includes=${QT_INCDIR} \
+			--with-qt-libraries=${QT_LIBDIR} \
+			--with-extra-libs=${LOCALBASE}/lib \
+			--with-extra-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include
+		MOC="${MOC}" RCC="${RCC}" UIC="${UIC}" \
+		QT_PLUGINDIR=${QT_PLUGINDIR_REL}</programlisting>
+      <para>Some configure scripts do not support the arguments above.
+	To suppress modification of <varname>CONFIGURE_ENV</varname>
+	and <varname>CONFIGURE_ARGS</varname>, set
+	<literal>USES= qmake:no_env</literal>.</para>
       <example xml:id="using-qmake-example">
 	<title><literal>USES= qmake</literal> Example</title>
 	<para>This snippet demonstrates the use of
 	  <application>qmake</application> for a Qt 4 port:</para>
-	<programlisting>USES=		qmake:outsource
-USE_QT4=	moc_build</programlisting>
+	<programlisting>USES=	qmake:outsource qt:4
+USE_QT=	moc_build</programlisting>
 	<para>For a Qt 5 port:</para>
-	<programlisting>USES=		qmake:outsource
-USE_QT5=	buildtools_build</programlisting>
+	<programlisting>USES=	qmake:outsource qt:5
+USE_QT=	buildtools_build</programlisting>
       <para>Qt applications are often written to be cross-platform
@@ -3135,13 +3176,13 @@ USE_QT5=	buildtools_build</programlisting>
 	  Required KDE components and other dependencies can be
 	  determined through configure log.
 	  <varname>USE_KDE</varname> does not imply
-	  <varname>USE_QT4</varname>.  If a port requires some
+	  <varname>USE_QT</varname>.  If a port requires some
 	  Qt 4 components, specify them in
-	  <varname>USE_QT4</varname>.</para>
+	  <varname>USE_QT</varname>.</para>
-	<programlisting>USES=		cmake:outsource kde:4
+	<programlisting>USES=		cmake:outsource kde:4 qt:4
 USE_KDE=	kdelibs kdeprefix automoc4
-USE_QT4=	moc_build qmake_build rcc_build uic_build</programlisting>
+USE_QT=		moc_build qmake_build rcc_build uic_build</programlisting>
@@ -3198,9 +3239,9 @@ USE_QT4=	moc_build qmake_build rcc_build uic_build</pr
 	LXQt libraries.  Required LXQt components and
 	other dependencies can be determined from the
 	configure log.</para>
-      <programlisting>USES=   cmake:outsource lxqt tar:xz
-USE_QT5=        buildtools_build qmake_build core dbus widgets
-USE_LXQT=       buildtools libfmqt</programlisting>
+      <programlisting>USES=	cmake:outsource lxqt qt:5 tar:xz
+USE_QT=		core dbus widgets buildtools_build qmake_build
+USE_LXQT=	buildtools libfmqt</programlisting>

Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml	Wed Oct 10 13:29:03 2018	(r52351)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml	Thu Oct 11 06:30:19 2018	(r52352)
@@ -1381,7 +1381,8 @@ GSSAPI_NONE_CONFIGURE_ON=	--without-gssapi</programlis
   <sect1 xml:id="uses-kde">
-    <para>Possible arguments: <literal>4</literal></para>
+    <para>Possible arguments: <literal>4</literal>,
+      <literal>5</literal></para>
     <para>Add dependency on <application>KDE</application> components.
       See <xref linkend="using-kde"/> for more information.</para>
@@ -2658,10 +2659,23 @@ USE_PYQT=	core doc_build designer_run</programlisting>
     <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>norecursive</literal>,
-      <literal>outsource</literal></para>
+      <literal>outsource</literal>, <literal>no_env</literal>,
+      <literal>no_configure</literal></para>
     <para>Uses <application>QMake</application> for configuring.  For
       more information see <xref linkend="using-qmake"/>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-qt">
+    <title><literal>qt</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: <literal>4</literal>,
+      <literal>5</literal>, <literal>no_env</literal></para>
+    <para>Add dependency on <application>Qt</application> components.
+      <literal>no_env</literal> is passed directly to
+      <literal>USES= qmake</literal>.  See <xref linkend="using-qt"/>
+      for more information.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="uses-readline">

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