GELI encrypted root and FreeBSD dom0

Miguel Clara miguelmclara at
Sun Apr 12 17:04:48 UTC 2015

I was testing Xen Dom0 last friday, and I too have a geli encrypted root,
but I my case I do see the prompt (it does get a bit hidden by USB device
detection, something I've reported before and IIRC a solution is in the

I do end up with just a blank square in the top... I've searched a bit and
someone as reported the same issue and some patch (to xen-kernel I believe)
were made to the git repo, I had no time to rebuild with the git version
though, but I might try again next week (and who knows maybe the patches
are merged to the port).

In any case I do use a geli encrypted root and I get the passphrase prompt,
I'm running:
FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #9 r281243FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #9 r281243

Also if important:
pkg info |grep xen
xen-4.5.0                      Xen Hyvervisor meta port
xen-kernel-4.5.0               Hypervisor using a microkernel design
xen-tools-4.5.0_1              Xen management tool, based on LibXenlight

Melhores Cumprimentos // Best Regards
*Miguel Clara*
*IT - Sys Admin & Developer*
*E-mail:    *miguelmclara at

On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Hannes Mehnert <hannes at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am able to boot FreeBSD dom0 (using r281439) on my Lenovo X220 [no
> serial port :/].  Unfortunately, I cannot see any console output while
> the FreeBSD dom0 kernel is booting, using the following xen command line:
> xen_cmdline="dom0_mem=4096M dom0_max_vcpus=4 dom0pvh=1 com1=115200,8n1
> guest_loglvl=all loglvl=all console=com1,vga"
> The last console output comes from Xen (vaguely, I see it only for a
> short moment, afterwards console turns dark):
> dom0 has 4 VCPUs
> Scrubbing free memory for dom0
> After this, I see the keyboard is initialized caps lock turning on and
> off again.  Then, only the fan starts to spin, but no luck on any more
> output.
> Since I have a geli encrypted root filesystem, I expect a passphrase
> prompt, but I do not see any, and also blindly typing my passphrase
> does not continue the boot process.
> I do not have sc in my kernel config, but using vt.
> Any idea how to debug this further?
> Thanks,
> hannes

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