Unable to boot with the dom0 xen kernel

Roger Pau Monné royger at FreeBSD.org
Tue Apr 7 09:55:25 UTC 2015


El 07/04/15 a les 10.25, Gustau Pérez ha escrit:
>    I'm using the cmdline in the xen wiki. No special tweaking yet.

I've just realized the xen_cmdline on the wiki page has the output set
to serial only, I've now updated it to send output to both com1 and VGA.

>> If you don't have a serial console you
>> should use console=vga in your xen_cmdline. Additionally if you have a
>> usb debug port you could use that as console with console=dbgp [1].
>    Thank you. I did not have a console at $home (the laptop has no
> physical serial port) but at $work my laptop dockstation provides me
> with a physical serial port. I'll try to use it.

I didn't know there were dock stations that provided serial ports even
when the laptop didn't have them, that's something worth a try. If not
just setting console=vga ought to provide some output. If that also
fails please write back and I will provide a patch for the bootloader in
order to try to figure out what's going on.


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