Unable to boot with the dom0 xen kernel

Gustau Pérez gperez at entel.upc.edu
Tue Apr 7 08:25:12 UTC 2015


On 07/04/2015 09:28, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
>    this morning I updated my sources to r281106, recompiled just the
> bootloader, installed it under /boot, installed the bootloader with:
>        gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada0
> In order to update the loader you should do:
> cd /usr/src/sys/boot && make clean && make -j4 && make install
   Thanks, this is basically what I did.

   Just to clarify, I'd say (please someone correct me if I'm wrong)
that at the end the bootloader has to be installed in the disk (the make
install phase just copies the bootcode under /boot) with gpart. One
example is when you upgrade your sources and new zfs attributes appear;
if any of those new attributes are enabled in the boot disk, the loader
has to be installed with gpart bootcode or the boot process would fail.

>>    but the results were the same.
>>    When the bootloader starts, I see it loading both the kernel and the
>> xen_kernel and some modules, then it shows me the menu and when it
>> starts booting I see a blinking cursor and then the machine reboots.
> Can you paste your xen_cmdline? 

   I'm using the cmdline in the xen wiki. No special tweaking yet.

> If you don't have a serial console you
> should use console=vga in your xen_cmdline. Additionally if you have a
> usb debug port you could use that as console with console=dbgp [1].

   Thank you. I did not have a console at $home (the laptop has no
physical serial port) but at $work my laptop dockstation provides me
with a physical serial port. I'll try to use it.
>> Does the xen kernel show some debug when booting? Can I send that debug
>> to the console (how?) instead to ttyu1?
> Yes, Xen will print debug info while booting to the console specified in
> the "console" option, which can be the serial, VGA or USB debug port.
> They are not exclusive, you can send output to several different
> destinations at once.

   I'll try with an non-vital (it is used for package building) Xen
EPT-enabled server I have around and also with my laptop. I'll try
sending the debug to vga console and the com1, if it fails I'll try to
capture the output with the com1 console.

   I'll check the options for the xen_commandline

   Thanks for your help,


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