What am I doing wrong?
Kövesdán Gábor
gabor.kovesdan at t-hosting.hu
Sun Feb 26 07:11:03 PST 2006
Fabian Keil wrote:
>Kövesdán Gábor <gabor.kovesdan at t-hosting.hu> wrote:
>>Fabian Keil wrote:
>>>Kövesdán Gábor <gabor.kovesdan at t-hosting.hu> wrote:
>>>>I'm translating the FreeBSD Webpage to Hungarian, and sometimes when
>>>>I modify index.xsl I get an ugly white webpage without stylesheets
>>>>and pictures. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Could you tell me
>>>>what can cause such errors?
>>>>Here's what I have now:
>>>In Firefox it uses stylesheets and colors.
>>>In which browser does it look ugly?
>>In Firefox and in IE 6. Here's what I see:
>Indeed it looks like none of the style sheets are used.
>The pictures are style sheet dependent as well.
>>But it should look the same as FreeBSD.org with some pieces of
>>Hungarian text.
>In "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; FreeBSD i386; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060216
>Firefox/" it does, except for the character encoding:
>211 KB
>I changes the character encoding manually to ISO-8859-1, otherwise
>Firefox ignores my font settings. But even with ISO-8859-2 it looks
>ok (besides the insanely small font-size which isn't your fault).
>I just checked with Firefox 1.5 and IE 6.0 under Windows and didn't
>notice any unusual problems. Are you sure it isn't a problem on your
>browsing machine? Do you have a second system to check?
Yes, I checked with an old machine and it was almost fine with IE 4.
This is very strange. The first version was completely fine for me, too.
I can't find out what's the problem.
Gabor Kovesdan
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