bug in bug report lookup?

Alan Larson larson at w6yx.stanford.edu
Sat May 7 10:01:23 PDT 2005

> Alan Larson wrote:
> >   When I attempt to do a bug lookup for bugs I have submitted,
> > by specifying only originator of myself ( larson at w6yx.stanford.edu )
> > I get "no reports match this query".
> > 
> >   If I add "closed reports too" to the query, the result is the
> > same.
> > 
> >   The presence of kern/79660 seems to indicate that this is a problem,
> > since it should match the query.
> > 
> > 
> > 	Alan
> > 
> Hi Alan,
> If you look at the webpage for kern/79660 for example you will notice
> that the originator field is being filled by your email name
> (Alan Larson) and your email address. When you do a query on:
> Alan Larson as originator (including spaces, which are converted to %20)
> you will find your query's. The email address itself is not attached in
> the actual PR db, there only Alan Larson is mentioned.
> Check it out:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi?originator=alan%20larson
> Cheers,

  Thanks.  That did it.  I thought I remembered having to give the
email address (which was annoying, because some had been given with an
old obsolete work address), but this seemed to get them all.

  Presently, something seems strange, as for quite a while, even
http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi was saying "no reports
match your query", but that started working again.  I am trying to track
down issues people have had with burncd to see how many match the problem
I reported last year (that was never answered).  I have found one, with
5.3 software, that indicates that the problem is still there.

  Again, thanks, your answer was dead on and helpful.


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