bug in bug report lookup?

Remko Lodder remko at FreeBSD.org
Sat May 7 02:28:49 PDT 2005

Alan Larson wrote:
>   When I attempt to do a bug lookup for bugs I have submitted,
> by specifying only originator of myself ( larson at w6yx.stanford.edu )
> I get "no reports match this query".
>   If I add "closed reports too" to the query, the result is the
> same.
>   The presence of kern/79660 seems to indicate that this is a problem,
> since it should match the query.
> 	Alan
Hi Alan,

If you look at the webpage for kern/79660 for example you will notice
that the originator field is being filled by your email name
(Alan Larson) and your email address. When you do a query on:
Alan Larson as originator (including spaces, which are converted to %20)
you will find your query's. The email address itself is not attached in
the actual PR db, there only Alan Larson is mentioned.

Check it out:



Kind regards,

      Remko Lodder  ** remko at elvandar.org
      Reporter DSINET  **  remko at DSINet.org
      Founder Tienervaders  ** remko at tienervaders.org
      FreeBSD Documentation Project  ** remko at FreeBSD.org

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