rm -rf gallery/

Josef El-Rayes josef at FreeBSD.org
Wed Mar 3 15:17:13 PST 2004

Alexey Zelkin <phantom at FreeBSD.org.ua> wrote:
> But if you'll look
> on /gallery/ closely you see that there's a some gallery of PoweredBy images,
> and I don't agree to see them removed (many times I used them as source
> for my websites, and quite sure others too).

I agree, what about moving them to the commerical gallery?

> Next - it should be announced
> on news page, submission script should be disabled (or better replaced
> with dummy one indicating that service is down), hub's stuff need to be
> cleaned up, etc.

yes, that should be done before.

greets, josef
Josef El-Rayes                   (__)
Email:	  josef at daemon.li     \\\'',) 
Web:	  http://daemon.li/     \/  \ ^
FreeBSD:  josef at FreeBSD.org     .\._/_)
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