rm -rf gallery/
Alexey Zelkin
phantom at FreeBSD.org.ua
Wed Mar 3 14:42:27 PST 2004
On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 08:38:09PM +0100, Josef El-Rayes wrote:
> as i did not get much feedback on my request for comments
> about removing the gallery i make it short:
> any objections to me removing the gallery
> (www/en/gallery/) from the website?
> why? it is hard to maintain, it is no real benefit
> and most links are broken anyway.
Hmm... Maybe... I thought about its historical status few
times before. But never got to overhauling or removing it. It's
good that this question is re-appeared again.
As maintainer of gallery (and ex-maintainer of commercial gallery) I would
agree with you arguments about "hard maintaince". I maintain it in
semi-automatic mode due to historical reasons. It does not take too much
time to handle incoming entries, cleanup and commit them, but checking
for 404's and re-born sites is similar to nightmare. But if you'll look
on /gallery/ closely you see that there's a some gallery of PoweredBy images,
and I don't agree to see them removed (many times I used them as source
for my websites, and quite sure others too). Next - it should be announced
on news page, submission script should be disabled (or better replaced
with dummy one indicating that service is down), hub's stuff need to be
cleaned up, etc.
Conclusion, I'd like to see patches before they'll be committed.
/* Alexey Zelkin && Independent Contractor */
/* phantom(at)FreeBSD.org && http://www.FreeBSD.org/java */
/* phantom(at)cris.net && http://www.FreeBSD.org.ua/ */
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