www/en/releases/5.2R/todo.sgml illegible

Colin Percival colin.percival at wadham.ox.ac.uk
Tue Nov 25 06:27:27 PST 2003

At 16:16 25/11/2003 +0200, Alexey Zelkin wrote:
>I agree that orange is more preferable than yellow.  Please also
>check all related lists and fix colors there too.

   There seems to be consensus that orange is good; and I can't find any 
other files using these ENTITY declarations -- they haven't been around 
long enough to have been picked up anywhere else.
   Could someone commit the updated patch below?

--- www/en/releases/5.2R/todo.sgml
+++ www/en/releases/5.2R/todo.sgml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  <!ENTITY status.na "<font color=green>N/A</font>">
  <!ENTITY status.done "<font color=green>Done</font>">
  <!ENTITY status.wip "<font color=blue>In&nbsp;progress</font>">
-<!ENTITY status.untested "<font color=yellow>Needs&nbsp;testing</font>">
+<!ENTITY status.untested "<font color=orange>Needs&nbsp;testing</font>">
  <!ENTITY status.new "<font color=red>Not&nbsp;done</font>">
  <!ENTITY status.unknown "<font color=red>Unknown</font>">

Colin Percival

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