Issues with bwn wireless

Bernhard Schmidt bschmidt at
Tue Apr 26 15:38:12 UTC 2011

On Monday, April 25, 2011 17:19:00 Eitan Adler wrote:
> On the same computer I have here:
> I've been having similar issues recently and I'm hoping to finally
> resolve them. The only change from then is that I am now using
> 8-STABLE (r219789)
> 1) For some reason setting the ssid via ifconfig and setting wlan0 to
> "up" doesn't do anything. I need to use wpa_supplicant even for an
> OPEN network

No clue.. see 2)

> 2) I start wpa_supplicant with
> network = {
> ssid="fubar"
> key_mgmt=NONE
> }
> and then run dhlient wlan0.
> After this it seems that like I am associated and I'm able to ping
> "" for some number of packets and then it loses packets.
> The routes, /etc/resolv.conf, and ip address all seem in order - even
> after it stops responding.
> ifconfig wlan0 still says "status: associated" even though I am unable
> to ping anything or access the internet. In _some_ cases "dig" still
> works.

Can you post debug output of wpa_supplicant/bwn?
% sysctl dev.bwn.0.debug=-1
% wpa_supplicant -Dbsd -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -ddt

> 3) Sometimes I see the channel cycling somewhat randomly during the
> "associated but not working" time.

Sounds like a background scan issue, try with
% ifconfig wlan0 -bgscan

> 4) ifconfig wlan0 scan never shows anything but ifconfig wlan0 list scan does.

This should be fixed in HEAD.

> Any pointers or ideas to resolve these issues would be great!


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