undocumented capabilities/flags in ifconfig(1) and in the handbookj

Eitan Adler lists at eitanadler.com
Mon Apr 25 15:58:33 UTC 2011

In ifconfig(1) under "list scan" and "list sta" a number of letters
are documented.

1) The same letters are documented for both of them - even though
there are a different set of flags (list sta) or capabilities (list

The letters 'I' 'c' 'C' 'B' 's' 'R' and 'D' are not documented as
capabilities in the man page

While 'Q' 'N' 'R' 'M' 'M+' 'I' 'S+' 's' 't' and 'r' are the flags
which are not currently documented in the man page

I have been trying to work my way through the code to understand what
each of these mean: The following list is incomplete and probably

c / C - I'm unsure exactly what this means. something here is
pollable. Lowercase c means that it is capable while uppercase means
it is required. It appears to only be used in
s - documented only in the handbook:    Short slot time. Indicates
that the 802.11g network is using a short slot time because there are
no legacy (802.11b) stations present.
I - documented only in the handbook:    IBSS/ad-hoc network. Indicates
that the station is part of an ad-hoc network (in contrast to an ESS
B - ?????
R - station is 801.11/i RSN capable
D - ?????
Q - station is using/capable of using QoS
N - ?????
M - ?????
M+ - ?????
S+ - station is using 20Mhz short preamble as well as 40Mhz
t / r - station is transmitting / receiving 802.11 n A - MSDU

I am hoping to get a better understanding of what these mean so I can
submit a diff against the man page and handbook.

Eitan Adler

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