ZFS (in virtual machine): $HOME being a dataset causes xauth to timeout- access delays?

parv/freebsd parv.0zero9+freebsd at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 01:39:54 UTC 2021

 Hi there,

I have FreeBSD 12-STABLE in VirtualBox 5.2.44 on Windows 10. All the "disks"
are file-backed virtual disks.

I noticed that after making $HOME a ZFS dataset, there were delays ...
- generally in start of Xorg;
- exhibited by xauth (after using "startx") error messages about timeout
  with authority files.

After reverting back $HOME not being a dataset on its own as before, there
no delays in start of Xorg; nor are any timeout message from xauth as

Has anybody else noticed that?

  - parv

Before making $HOME (/aux/home/parv) a dataset ...

  aux0 mounted at /aux
  aux0/home at /aux/home

Conversion of $HOME to a dataset ..

  % zfs create aux0/home/parv2
  % mv /aux/home/parv/* /aux/home/parv2/
  % mv /aux/home/parv/.* /aux/home/parv2/
  % rm -rf /aux/home/parv
  % zfs rename aux0/home/parv2 aux0/home/parv

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