ACPI poweroff is not working on 13.0

Antony Uspensky uspensky at
Thu Apr 1 15:58:09 UTC 2021

Sorry, subject is too loud, but...
My MB is ASUS M5A97R2.0.
On FreeBSD v10, 11 and 12 ACPI poweroff (shutdown -p, halt -p, short 
click on power button) works as expected.
After upgrade to 13.0 it does not power the system off anymore.
The process comes to "re0: link state changed to DOWN" as usuall 
(terminating daemons, syncing FS, spinning down disks, disconnecting and 
shutting down devices), but then "re0: link state changed to UP" appears 
in 2 seconds and the system stays powered forever. With verbose kernel 
logging I see also up to 30 lines like "hdac0: wake_prep disabled wake for 
\_SB_.PCI0.SBAZ (S5)" after "re0: ... UP".
Seems, instead of final power off the system tries to wake up.

Does anyone see this behavior?
How can I debug this? Some ACPI quirks?

Thanks! A.

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