BIND chroot environment in 10-RELEASE...gone?

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Fri Dec 6 13:40:42 UTC 2013

> 2) that this mess around FreeBSD 10 will not slow the
> adoption rate of FreeBSD 10.

I don't think so.
Only a fraction of my servers ever needed BIND.
And where we need it, we're happy to install a port of it (which has a
lot of OPTIONS, which I saw for the first time only recently...)

I can see the point for somebody who is running dozens of BIND-servers,
Tracking BIND-updates via freebsd-update was/is probably quite

But, I have to say: if you do a major version upgrade, don't read the
release-notes (which will mention the absence of BIND, I assume) and
don't do a test-run of the upgrade on a non-critical-system, maybe you
shouldn't be running a nameserver at all in the first place. And BIND
even less so, IMHO.

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