December 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Dec 1 03:28:57 PDT 2007
Ending: Mon Dec 31 19:02:51 PDT 2007
Messages: 634
- scrambled (gmirror) dmesg output
Johan Ström
- scrambled (gmirror) dmesg output
Johan Ström
- I just broke out of a FreeBSD jail.. Known bug??
Johan Ström
- I just broke out of a FreeBSD jail.. Known bug??
Johan Ström
- gdbserver error
Trond Endrestøl
韓家標 Bill Hacker
韓家標 Bill Hacker
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
韓家標 Bill Hacker
- *Suspect* Re: SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot
allocate memory
韓家標 Bill Hacker
- *Suspect* Re: SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot
allocate memory
韓家標 Bill Hacker
- Motherboard Asus P5N-E SLI compatibility with FreeBSD 7
韓家標 Bill Hacker
- /etc/rc.d/netif wont add default gateway
area damai™
- System hangs up every day
Дмитрий Комалеев
- FreeBSD 7.0beta4 panic on ftp transfer
Михаил Кипа
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
Ariff Abdullah
- RELENG_7 vchans broken Maestro
Ariff Abdullah
- RELENG_7 vchans broken Maestro
Ariff Abdullah
- Praying for Rain in Georgia
Ray Abernathy
- 6.3-RC1: different port/package versions
Bengt Ahlgren
- BETA4 - acpi.thermal.tz0 always at 40,0C
Bengt Ahlgren
- FreeBSD 6.3-PRERELEASE unable to change file permission
Anjang Aki
- FreeBSD 6.3-PRERELEASE unable to change file permission
Anjang Aki
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- FreeBSD 7.0 Weird acpi.ko in the dmesg
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- FreeBSD 7.0 Weird acpi.ko in the dmesg
Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
- PATCH: FreeBSD-7-BETA4 'bge' ether for Dell T105 server
Mark Andrews
- FreeBSD 7.0 Weird acpi.ko in the dmesg
Dimitry Andric
- FreeBSD 7.0 Weird acpi.ko in the dmesg
Dimitry Andric
- ifconfig options?
Richard Arends
- Nikon Coolpix
Glen Barber
- Nikon Coolpix
Glen Barber
- is there any hope for MFC nscd?
Denis Barov
- is there any hope for MFC nscd?
Denis Barov
Doug Barton
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Doug Barton
- _umtx_op -1 errno 60 Operation timed out using 7.0-BETA4
Doug Barton
- FreeBSD-6.2, 7.0-BETA1 on X60
Balgansuren Batsukh
- FreeBSD-6.2, 7.0-BETA1 on X60
Balgansuren Batsukh
- IRQ sharing check command
Balgansuren Batsukh
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Kostik Belousov
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kostik Belousov
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
Kostik Belousov
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Dennis Berger
- 7.0-BETA4 amd64 panic during boot-time device probe
Jeff Blank
- portupgrade trouble
Matthieu Bollot
- Working mini PCIe wireless?
David Booth
- FreeBSD 7.0 freezes with nvidia card
David Booth
- ZFS in a jail
Oliver Brandmueller
- FreeBSD-6.2, 7.0-BETA1 on X60
Danny Braniss
- 7.0-BETA4 and msk problems
Danny Braniss
- 7.0-BETA4 and msk problems
Danny Braniss
- unionfs lock problems
Danny Braniss
- ufs_rename: fvp == tvp (can't happen)
Danny Braniss
- zfs & diskless boot problem
Danny Braniss
- 7.0-BETA4 and msk problems
Danny Braniss
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
- Working mini PCIe wireless?
Geoff Buckingham
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Geoff Buckingham
- Working mini PCIe wireless?
Geoff Buckingham
- hwpmc broken on T2300 Core
Michael Butler
- Nikon Coolpix
Michael Butler
- tiny GSS nit
Michael Butler
- Recevables - Accelerer la collection
- Generation Y - Gerer sans deprimer
Guide CF
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Josh Carroll
- More issues with 7.0-BETA4
Josh Carroll
- Server motherboard recommendation wanted
Freddie Cash
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Erik Cederstrand
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Adrian Chadd
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Adrian Chadd
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Adrian Chadd
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Adrian Chadd
- portaudit and portsnap acting silly.
Adrian Chadd
- RELENG_6 kernel panic + savecore(8) problem
Jeremy Chadwick
- scrambled (gmirror) dmesg output
Jeremy Chadwick
- FreeBSD-6.2, 7.0-BETA1 on X60
Jeremy Chadwick
- Missing files in listing when sharing ZFS directory over Samba
Jeremy Chadwick
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Jeremy Chadwick
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Jeremy Chadwick
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Jeremy Chadwick
- why lighttpd complain "sendfile: Broken pipe 32 "
Jeremy Chadwick
- FreeBSD 7.0 BETA4 no serial console
Jeremy Chadwick
- BETA4 - acpi.thermal.tz0 always at 40,0C
Jeremy Chadwick
- OS bug in taskq
Jeremy Chadwick
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Jeremy Chadwick
- FreeBSD 7.0 BETA4 no serial console
Jeremy Chadwick
- FreeBSD 7.0 BETA4 no serial console
Jeremy Chadwick
- Fix cannot build mencoder on amd64
Eric L. Chen
- System Reboots with Bittorrent Use
Jonathan Chen
- why lighttpd complain "sendfile: Broken pipe 32 "
Ken Chen
- Hi~
Long Chen
- via DRI module
Minseok Choi
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Stephen Clark
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Stephen Clark
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Stephen Clark
- IP Filter
Stephen Clark
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Joshua Coombs
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Joshua Coombs
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Joshua Coombs
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Joshua Coombs
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Garrett Cooper
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
John Merryweather Cooper
- Bootstrapping problem in RELENG_6
Martin Cracauer
- Lost USB mouse in RELENG_6 upgrade (July to December)
Martin Cracauer
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Martin Cracauer
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Martin Cracauer
- Intel S3000AH stall on boot
Tim Daneliuk
- syslog-ng / acpi logging issue on laptop
- syslog-ng / acpi logging issue on laptop ** FIXED
- FreeBSD 6.3-PRERELEASE unable to change file permission
Cristiano Deana
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Cristiano Deana
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Cristiano Deana
- Motherboard Asus P5N-E SLI compatibility with FreeBSD 7
Fabien Degomme
- Encadrer et motiver une equipe
La Direction
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Uwe Doering
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Uwe Doering
- Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core
Uwe Doering
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Uwe Doering
- kernel build broken on releng_6 due to camellia?
Alexey Dokuchaev
- kernel build broken on releng_6 due to camellia?
Alexey Dokuchaev
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Daniel Eischen
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Daniel Eischen
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Daniel Eischen
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Julian Elischer
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Julian Elischer
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Julian Elischer
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Julian Elischer
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Julian Elischer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Julian Elischer
- /boot size in 7.0 beta3
Andrey V. Elsukov
- Various Issues with 7.0-BETA4
Stefan Esser
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Bruce Evans
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Tom Evans
- Recouvrement - Reduire les comptes recevables
VP Exploitation
- USB umass kernel panic
Guido Falsi
- portaudit and portsnap acting silly.
Guido Falsi
- RELENG_7 vchans broken Maestro
Dominic Fandrey
- RELENG_7 vchans broken Maestro
Dominic Fandrey
- RELENG_7 vchans broken Maestro
Dominic Fandrey
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Dominic Fandrey
- Anyone else seeing this on a make release of 7?
Lawrence Farr
- Anyone else seeing this on a make release of 7?
Lawrence Farr
- Anyone else seeing this on a make release of 7?
Lawrence Farr
- OS bug in taskq
Elliot Finley
- OS bug in taskq
Elliot Finley
- RELENG_7: GENERIC and options LOCK_PROFILING are breaking
sockstat and netstat -a
Skip Ford
- RELENG_7: GENERIC and options LOCK_PROFILING are breaking
sockstat and netstat -a
Skip Ford
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Marc G. Fournier
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Marc G. Fournier
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Marc G. Fournier
- Pour recruter en 2008...
Stepstone France
- atapicam fails after upgrade to 6.3
Andrea Franceschini
- atapicam fails after upgrade to 6.3
Andrea Franceschini
- Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core
Pete French
- Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core
Pete French
- Server motherboard recommendation wanted
Pete French
- atapicam fails after upgrade to 6.3
Pete French
- Is it safe to use CPUTYPE?=native on 7.0 ?
Pete French
- Is it safe to use CPUTYPE?=native on 7.0 ?
Pete French
- Problem with 'reply' in /usr/bin/mail
Pete French
- odd zfs behaviour on reboot
Pete French
- odd zfs behaviour on reboot
Pete French
- odd zfs behaviour on reboot
Pete French
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Aryeh M. Friedman
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Aryeh M. Friedman
- can't load snd_driver
Aryeh M. Friedman
- I just broke out of a FreeBSD jail.. Known bug??
Dr. Aharon Friedman
- major bge(4) performance problem
Laurent Frigault
- major bge(4) performance problem
Laurent Frigault
- Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core
Oliver Fromme
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Oliver Fromme
- 7.0BETA4 /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int Thrashes
Oliver Fromme
- - a small nice jails helper!
Oliver Fromme
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Oliver Fromme
- - a small nice jails helper!
Oliver Fromme
- /boot size in 7.0 beta3
Matthew D. Fuller
- /boot size in 7.0 beta3
Matthew D. Fuller
- BETA4 - acpi.thermal.tz0 always at 40,0C
Matthew D. Fuller
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Mark Fullmer
- mounted cd, tray locking, cdcontrol
Andriy Gapon
- reduce verboseness for certain scsi error
Andriy Gapon
- g_io_request: usb related crash
Andriy Gapon
- reduce verboseness for certain scsi error
Andriy Gapon
- ZFS in a jail
Gelsema, P (Patrick)
- ZFS in a jail
Gelsema, P (Patrick)
- ZFS in a jail
Gelsema, P (Patrick)
- IPSEC + Via Padlock + racoon + Windows
Dewayne Geraghty
- IPSEC + Via Padlock + racoon + Windows
Dewayne Geraghty
- Install of 6.3RC1 on Virtual PC 2007 hangs
Dewayne Geraghty
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Daniel Gerzo
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Brett Glass
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Pieter de Goeje
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Pieter de Goeje
- panic: ffs_blkfree: freeing free block on 7.0-PRE
Pieter de Goeje
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Pieter de Goeje
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Philip M. Gollucci
- [PATCH] ipfwpcap(8)
Vadim Goncharov
- [PATCH] ipfwpcap(8)
Vadim Goncharov
- 7.0BETA4 cannot install. acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (1 retry
Robert Gray
- 7.0BETA4 cannot install. acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (1
retry left)
Robert Gray
- I just broke out of a FreeBSD jail.. Known bug??
Edwin Groothuis
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Eugene Grosbein
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Eugene Grosbein
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Eugene Grosbein
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Eugene Grosbein
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- *Suspect* Re: SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot
allocate memory
Eugene Grosbein
- FreeBSD 7.0 Weird acpi.ko in the dmesg
Eugene Grosbein
- mounted cd, tray locking, cdcontrol
Eugene Grosbein
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
Henrik Gulbrandsen
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
Henrik Gulbrandsen
- Anyone else seeing this on a make release of 7?
Claus Guttesen
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Claus Guttesen
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Claus Guttesen
- Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core
Claus Guttesen
- 4.x Collecting pv entries Suggest increasing PMAP_SHPGPERPROC,
Claus Guttesen
- Performance!
Claus Guttesen
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Claus Guttesen
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Claus Guttesen
- Server motherboard recommendation wanted
Chris H.
- 7B4 scheduling question
Chris H.
- 7B4 scheduling question
Chris H.
- Failure of gvinum after panic
Nikolaj Hansen
- Failure of gvinum after panic
Nikolaj Hansen
- /boot size in 7.0 beta3
Doug Hardie
- /boot size in 7.0 beta3
Doug Hardie
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Patrick M. Hausen
- 7.0-BETA4 - i386 - root on zfs - system freeze
Henri Hennebert
- disklabel from sysinstall
Matthew Herzog
- FreeBSD 7.0 BETA4 no serial console
Marian Hettwer
- FreeBSD 7.0 BETA4 no serial console
Marian Hettwer
- FreeBSD 7.0 BETA4 no serial console
Marian Hettwer
- FreeBSD 7.0 BETA4 no serial console
Marian Hettwer
- Various Issues with 7.0-BETA4
Scot Hetzel
- Is it safe to use CPUTYPE?=native on 7.0 ?
Scot Hetzel
- Is it safe to use CPUTYPE?=native on 7.0 ?
Scot Hetzel
- tiny GSS nit
Scot Hetzel
- Instant Reboot with 7.0 BETA4 LifeFS Disk
Seth Hieronymus
- Instant Reboot with 7.0 BETA4 LifeFS Disk
Seth Hieronymus
- Instant Reboot with 7.0 BETA4 LifeFS Disk
Seth Hieronymus
- can't load snd_driver
Alburt Hoffman
- 7.0 iwi driver
Jonathan Horne
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Patrick van Iersel
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Patrick van Iersel
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Patrick van Iersel
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Patrick van Iersel
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Can't build graphviz
Jimmie James
- More issues with 7.0-BETA4
Peter Jeremy
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Peter Jeremy
- iwi on BETA4 with WPA2: device timeout/firmware error
Marcus Kaatari
- 6.3-RC1: different port/package versions
Kris Kennaway
- Performance!
Kris Kennaway
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Kris Kennaway
- 7B4 scheduling question
Kris Kennaway
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
Kris Kennaway
- Repeated crashes in 6.3-PRERELEASE
Kris Kennaway
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
Kris Kennaway
- IPSEC + Via Padlock + racoon + Windows
Vivek Khera
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Vivek Khera
- reboot after panic: vm_page_unwire: invalid wire count: 0
Vivek Khera
- Trying to initialize padlock support on Via C7 Eden CPU
Vivek Khera
- (no subject)
Anton Kirillov
- more cpufreq woes
Arno J. Klaassen
- ZFS in a jail
Andrew Kolchoogin
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Zoran Kolic
- connect() returns EADDRINUSE during massive host->host conn rate
Maxim Konovalov
- weird problems on 7.0-BETA3
Teemu Korhonen
- FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4 Available
Teemu Korhonen
- FreeBSD-6.2, 7.0-BETA1 on X60
Alexandre "Sunny" Kovalenko
- ZFS stuck in zfs:&buf_hash_table.ht_locks[i].ht_lock]
Xin LI
- Instant Reboot with 7.0 BETA4 LifeFS Disk
Xin LI
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Miroslav Lachman
- missing .cshrc and pf.conf after upgrade to 7.0-beta3
Miroslav Lachman
- FreeBSD 7.0beta4 panic on ftp transfer
Miroslav Lachman
- - a small nice jails helper!
Miroslav Lachman
- - a small nice jails helper!
Miroslav Lachman
- missing .cshrc and pf.conf after upgrade to 7.0-beta3
Max Laier
- IP Filter
Max Laier
- Motherboard Asus P5N-E SLI compatibility with FreeBSD 7
Max Laier
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Max Laier
- [7.0 beta4] iwi : firmware stuck in state 4, resetting
Patrick Lamaiziere
- Intel S3000AH stall on boot
Stefan Lambrev
- why lighttpd complain "sendfile: Broken pipe 32 "
Stefan Lambrev
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David G Lawrence
- Can't build graphviz
Edward G.J. Lee
- Can't build graphviz
Edward G.J. Lee
- Can't build graphviz
Edward G.J. Lee
- weird problems on 7.0-BETA3
Sam Leffler
- PR backlog [was: Re: usb/umass, devfs: this sucks]
Alexander Leidinger
- PR backlog [was: Re: usb/umass, devfs: this sucks]
Alexander Leidinger
- Install of 6.3RC1 on Virtual PC 2007 hangs
Ulf Lilleengen
- Atheros AR5007EG ath_hal STATUS 13
Jimmy Lim
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Mark Linimon
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Mark Linimon
- PR backlog [was: Re: usb/umass, devfs: this sucks]
Mark Linimon
- PR backlog
Mark Linimon
- PR backlog [was: Re: usb/umass, devfs: this sucks]
Mark Linimon
- PR backlog [was: Re: usb/umass, devfs: this sucks]
Tilman Linneweh
- -net or kernel: where does this belong?
Per olof Ljungmark
- PATCH: FreeBSD-7-BETA4 'bge' ether for Dell T105 server
Remko Lodder
- PR backlog
Remko Lodder
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Scott Long
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Scott Long
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Scott Long
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Scott Long
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Scott Long
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Scott Long
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
M. Warner Losh
- PR backlog
M. Warner Losh
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
M. Warner Losh
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
M. Warner Losh
- PR backlog
M. Warner Losh
- USB issues (not just Re: PR backlog)
M. Warner Losh
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
- hwpmc broken on T2300 Core
Kip Macy
- Performance!
Kip Macy
- 6.3-RC2 Available
Bruce A. Mah
- [PATCH] ipfwpcap(8)
Sergey Matveychuk
- Intel S3000AH stall on boot
Antony Mawer
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Antony Mawer
- panic: vm_page_unwire: invalid wire count: 0
Frank Mayhar
- Repeated crashes in 6.3-PRERELEASE
Frank Mayhar
- Working mini PCIe wireless?
Adam McDougall
- Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core
Adam McDougall
- Right way to use geli + gjournal ?
Norberto Meijome
- Performance!
Norberto Meijome
- FreeBSD 7.0 freezes with nvidia card
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- FreeBSD 7.0 freezes with nvidia card
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- No more geom_gpt.ko ?
Marcel Moolenaar
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Alexander Motin
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Alexander Motin
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Alexander Motin
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
Alexander Motin
- Make installworld DESTDIR=? fails
David Naylor
- PR backlog
Richard Neese
- carp + rc.conf issue
- G965 patch for 6.3-Beta
Hiroshi Nishida
- G965 patch for 6.3-Beta
Hiroshi Nishida
- G965 patch for 6.3-Beta
Hiroshi Nishida
- G965 patch for 6.3-Beta
Hiroshi Nishida
- VIA DRM on FreeBSD
- 7.0 BETA3 - slow TCP upload (TSO related?)
Vitezslav Novy
- 7.0BETA4 ../cc_tools/insn-attrtab.c compiles forever
Nikos Ntarmos
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
David O'Brien
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
David O'Brien
- Intel S3000AH stall on boot
Daniel O'Connor
- Intel S3000AH stall on boot
Daniel O'Connor
- Intel S3000AH stall on boot
Daniel O'Connor
- carp + rc.conf issue
Milan Obuch
- psm GlidePoint problems on 7.0b3
J.R. Oldroyd
- panic: ffs_blkfree: freeing free block on 7.0-PRE
Philipp Ost
- panic: ffs_blkfree: freeing free block on 7.0-PRE
Philipp Ost
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
User Ota
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
User Ota
- 7-BETA4/7-RC1 crashes randomly at shutdown
Yoshihiro Ota
- PR backlog
Yoshihiro Ota
- portaudit and portsnap acting silly.
Dave Overton
- portaudit and portsnap acting silly.
Dave Overton
- RELENG_6 kernel panic + savecore(8) problem
Gary Palmer
- Anyone else seeing this on a make release of 7?
Yuri Pankov
- /boot size in 7.0 beta3
- missing .cshrc and pf.conf after upgrade to 7.0-beta3
Colin Percival
- missing .cshrc and pf.conf after upgrade to 7.0-beta3
Colin Percival
- FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4 Available
Colin Percival
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Alfred Perlstein
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Alfred Perlstein
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Alfred Perlstein
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
Oliver Peter
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
Oliver Peter
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Andreas Pettersson
- Also seeing 2 x quad-core system slower that 2 x dual core
Andreas Pettersson
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Alexey Popov
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Alexey Popov
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Alexey Popov
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Alexey Popov
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Alexey Popov
- IPSEC + Via Padlock + racoon + Windows
Michael Proto
- FreeBSD 6.3-PRERELEASE unable to change file permission
Michael Proto
- IPSEC + Via Padlock + racoon + Windows
Michael Proto
- IRQ sharing check command
Michael Proto
- Working mini PCIe wireless?
Michael Proto
- Working mini PCIe wireless?
Michael Proto
- Trying to initialize padlock support on Via C7 Eden CPU
Michael Proto
- [RFC/P] Port System Re-Engineering (Repost from -ports@)
Andrew Reilly
- No more geom_gpt.ko ?
Greg Rivers
- IP Filter
Ollivier Robert
- 7.0 - ZFS Fatal trap 12 on shutdown
Geoff Roberts
- 7.0 - ZFS Fatal trap 12 on shutdown
Geoff Roberts
- gdbserver error
Kostas Rondinoulis
- OS bug in taskq
Clifton Royston
- FreeBSD-6.2, 7.0-BETA1 on X60
Boris Samorodov
- FreeBSD-6.2, 7.0-BETA1 on X60
Boris Samorodov
- qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
Boris Samorodov
- RELENG_7: GENERIC and options LOCK_PROFILING are breaking sockstat
and netstat -a
Boris Samorodov
- RELENG_7: GENERIC and options LOCK_PROFILING are breaking
sockstat and netstat -a
Boris Samorodov
- -net or kernel: where does this belong?
Tom Samplonius
- CD drives don't work
Harald Schmalzbauer
- CD drives don't work
Harald Schmalzbauer
- sbp/da (ohci) write regression (da-quirk removement problem?)
Harald Schmalzbauer
- ACPI STR (s3) makes machine behave very odd
Harald Schmalzbauer
- ACPI STR (s3) makes machine behave very odd
Harald Schmalzbauer
- Attention 7.x and 8.x ptmx/pts users (read if you set
Ed Schouten
- Attention 7.x and 8.x ptmx/pts users (read if you set
Ed Schouten
- Attention 7.x and 8.x ptmx/pts users (read if you set
Ed Schouten
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
David Schwartz
- Can't build graphviz
Matthew Seaman
- Can't build graphviz
Matthew Seaman
- FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4-amd64 boot problem under qemu
Bakul Shah
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Chris Shenton
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Chris Shenton
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Chris Shenton
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Chris Shenton
- PATCH: FreeBSD-7-BETA4 'bge' ether for Dell T105 server
Chris Shenton
- More issues with 7.0-BETA4
Hugo Silva
- More issues with 7.0-BETA4
Hugo Silva
- More issues with 7.0-BETA4
Hugo Silva
- iwi on BETA4 with WPA2: device timeout/firmware error
Hugo Silva
- iwi on BETA4 with WPA2: device timeout/firmware error
Hugo Silva
- BETA4 and powerd (not doing anything)
Hugo Silva
- iwi on BETA4 with WPA2: device timeout/firmware error
Hugo Silva
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Krassimir Slavchev
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Krassimir Slavchev
- Performance!
Krassimir Slavchev
- Performance!
Krassimir Slavchev
- Performance!
Krassimir Slavchev
- Performance!
Krassimir Slavchev
- ifconfig options?
Krassimir Slavchev
- ifconfig options?
Krassimir Slavchev
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Ian Smith
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Ken Smith
- FreeBSD 7.0-BETA4 Available
Ken Smith
- HEADS-UP: RELENG_7_0 created...
Ken Smith
- FreeBSD 7.0-RC1 Available
Ken Smith
- 6.3-RC2 Available
Ken Smith
- Instant Reboot with 7.0 BETA4 LifeFS Disk
Roland Smith
- installation problems of FreeBSD 7 beta 2 on Dell D610
(multiboot con solaris, linux, winxp)
Stefano Spinucci
- Threads stuck in sbwait
Ulrich Spoerlein
- Threads stuck in sbwait
Ulrich Spoerlein
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Ulrich Spoerlein
- sbp(4) write error wedging GEOM mirror
Ulrich Spoerlein
- sbp(4) write error wedging GEOM mirror
Ulrich Spoerlein
- connect() returns EADDRINUSE during massive host->host conn rate
Jan Srzednicki
- 7.0BETA4 /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int Thrashes
Julian Stacey
- 7.0BETA4 ../cc_tools/insn-attrtab.c compiles forever
Julian Stacey
- 7.0BETA4 cannot install. acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (1
retry left)
Julian H. Stacey
- 7.0BETA4 /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int Thrashes
Julian H. Stacey
- 7.0BETA4 ../cc_tools/insn-attrtab.c compiles forever
Julian H. Stacey
- ifconfig options?
Ruben van Staveren
- Missing files in listing when sharing ZFS directory over Samba
Jonathan Stewart
- Monitor not working for iwi on 7.0-BETA4
Jan Henrik Sylvester
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Mike Tancsa
- gdbserver on latest -STABLE ...
Mike Tancsa
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
Mike Tancsa
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Mike Tancsa
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Mike Tancsa
- [PATCH] 7-STABLE Build broken in geom_io.c with KTR but no DDB
David Taylor
- [PATCH] 7-STABLE Build broken in geom_io.c with KTR but no DDB
David Taylor
- Fatal trap 19 on Sony Vaio
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
Mikhail Teterin
- usb/umass, devfs: this sucks
Mikhail Teterin
- PR backlog
Mikhail Teterin
- USB issues (not just Re: PR backlog)
Mikhail Teterin
- USB issues (not just Re: PR backlog)
Mikhail Teterin
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
David E. Thiel
- RELENG_7 jerky mouse and skipping sound (still a problem -BETA3)
David E. Thiel
- Various Issues with 7.0-BETA4
Peter Thoenen
- Various Issues with 7.0-BETA4
Peter Thoenen
- odd zfs behaviour on reboot
Peter Thoenen
- 7.0-BETA4: freeze caused by hostapd / ath0
Thierry Thomas
- iwi on BETA4 with WPA2: device timeout/firmware error
Andrew Thompson
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- Boot-time pass for geli on 7.0-BETA2,
-BETA3 and RELENG_7 not working for me.
Thorsten Trampisch
- 6.3-RC2 Available
Karl Triebes
- 6.3-RC2 Available
Karl Triebes
- major bge(4) performance problem
Lenar Tukhvatullin
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Reko Turja
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Reko Turja
- G965 patch for 6.3-Beta
Hiroyuki Une
- G965 patch for 6.3-Beta
Hiroyuki Une
- G965 patch for 6.3-Beta
Hiroyuki Une
- Packet loss every 30.999 seconds
Stephan Uphoff
- - a small nice jails helper!
Anton - Valqk
- - a small nice jails helper!
Anton - Valqk
- SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?
Bill Vermillion
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Alexey Vlasov
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Alexey Vlasov
- Intel S3000AH stall on boot
Jack Vogel
- em1: Unable to allocate bus resource: memory
Jack Vogel
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Ivan Voras
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Ivan Voras
- Threads stuck in sbwait
Ivan Voras
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Ivan Voras
- Extreme load with local password db lookups
Ivan Voras
- FreeBSD on Dell T105? ($350 dual-core Opteron)
Ivan Voras
- Various Issues with 7.0-BETA4
Ivan Voras
- Various Issues with 7.0-BETA4
Ivan Voras
- 7.0BETA4 ../cc_tools/insn-attrtab.c compiles forever
Ivan Voras
- sysinstall segfaults while fetching Xorg
Jesper Wallin
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Robert Watson
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Robert Watson
- FreeBSD 6.3-PRERELEASE unable to change file permission
Robert Watson
- Attention 7.x and 8.x ptmx/pts users (read if you set
Robert Watson
- Attention 7.x and 8.x ptmx/pts users (read if you set
Robert Watson
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Robert Watson
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Robert Watson
- 2 x quad-core system is slower that 2 x dual core on FreeBSD
Robert Watson
- OS bug in taskq
Robert Watson
- I just broke out of a FreeBSD jail.. Known bug??
Robert Watson
- amsn-0.96_1 does not build
Harald Weis
- Swapping caused by very large (regular) file size
Ian West
- SOLVED: qemu: freebsd6_mmap -1 errno 12 Cannot allocate memory
David Wood
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Pyun YongHyeon
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Pyun YongHyeon
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Pyun YongHyeon
- Intel DG31PR and RTL8168/8111 issue
Pyun YongHyeon
- 7.0-BETA4 and msk problems
Pyun YongHyeon
- 7.0-BETA4 and msk problems
Pyun YongHyeon
- 7.0-BETA4 and msk problems
Pyun YongHyeon
- /etc/rc.d/netif wont add default gateway
Wolfgang Zenker
- _umtx_op -1 errno 60 Operation timed out using 7.0-BETA4
Imri Zvik
- latest coda driver does not compile
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- "no matching session" in ng_pppoe.c (RELENG_6)
- AW: g_vfs_done():da3s1a[READ(offset=81064794762854400,
length=8192)]error = 5
- HPET <High Precision Event Timer> at Tyan H2000M (S3992-E)
- Server motherboard recommendation wanted
- em1: Unable to allocate bus resource: memory
jonathan at
- em1: Unable to allocate bus resource: memory
jonathan at
- Problems on intel G33M motherboard
- ifconfig options?
- BETA4 - acpi.thermal.tz0 always at 40,0C
tequnix at
- FreeBSD 7 on old SMP server?
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 19:02:51 PDT 2007
Archived on: Mon Dec 31 19:02:56 PDT 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).