August 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jul 31 22:54:36 PDT 2007
Ending: Fri Aug 31 07:39:02 PDT 2007
Messages: 417
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Heiko Wundram (Beenic)
- viapm - SMBus support for lmmon
Heiko Wundram (Beenic)
- Crashed gmirror, single disk marked SYNC and wont boot...
Johan Ström
- Crashed gmirror, single disk marked SYNC and wont boot...
Johan Ström
- Crashed gmirror, single disk marked SYNC and wont boot...
Johan Ström
- Crashed gmirror, single disk marked SYNC and wont boot...
Johan Ström
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
Stefan Eßer
- IPMI & SuperMicro
Gót András
- IPMI & SuperMicro
Gót András
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Dag-Erling Smørgrav
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
David Adam
- Problem adding new slices
Szilveszter Adam
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Mark Andrews
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Mark Andrews
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Mark Andrews
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Mark Andrews
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Mark Andrews
- top for IO stats
Christopher Arnold
- Panic: Page not present: RELENG_6
Gavin Atkinson
- Panic: Page not present: RELENG_6
Gavin Atkinson
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
John Baldwin
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Doug Barton
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Doug Barton
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Doug Barton
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Doug Barton
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Doug Barton
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Doug Barton
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Doug Barton
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Doug Barton
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Doug Barton
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Doug Barton
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Doug Barton
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Doug Barton
- postfix not starting
Doug Barton
- postfix not starting
Doug Barton
- postfix not starting
Doug Barton
- snd_hda in internal speaker
Doug Barton
- How stable is 7 now? How to cvs it?
Doug Barton
- Recent PAM changes worth an UPDATING entry?
Doug Barton
- Recent PAM changes worth an UPDATING entry?
Doug Barton
- Recent PAM changes worth an UPDATING entry?
Doug Barton
- RELENG_6 patch [Re: pf 4.1 Update available for testing]
Frank Behrens
- RELENG_6 patch [Re: pf 4.1 Update available for testing]
Frank Behrens
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Gardner Bell
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Yann Berthier
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Yann Berthier
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Steve Bertrand
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Steve Bertrand
- 6-STABLE Fatal trap 12
Alexandre Biancalana
- Yesteday 6-STABLE Panic
Alexandre Biancalana
- Yesteday 6-STABLE Panic
Alexandre Biancalana
- help to track server crash (LONG)
Alexandre Biancalana
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Bob Bishop
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Roman Bogorodskiy
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
Oliver Brandmueller
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Randy Bush
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Randy Bush
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Randy Bush
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Randy Bush
- cardbus not working?
Michael Butler
- kernel compilation broken
Michael Butler
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Freddie Cash
- none of wpa_passphrase
Pietro Cerutti
- none of wpa_passphrase
Pietro Cerutti
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Jeremy Chadwick
- Bug in less version 406.
Jeremy Chadwick
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Jeremy Chadwick
- postfix not starting
Jeremy Chadwick
- boot logo/menu corruption
Jeremy Chadwick
- Static linking and memory usage
Jeremy Chadwick
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Jeremy Chadwick
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Jeremy Chadwick
- apache problems
Jeremy Chadwick
- apache problems
Jeremy Chadwick
- apache problems
Jeremy Chadwick
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Jeremy Chadwick
- top for IO stats
Jeremy Chadwick
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Jonathan Chen
- usb evdo device
Stephen Clark
- usb evdo device
Stephen Clark
- usb evdo device
Stephen Clark
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
John Merryweather Cooper
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Tijl Coosemans
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Tijl Coosemans
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Tijl Coosemans
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Tijl Coosemans
- Leading blank in username
Fulvia Costa
- Crashed gmirror, single disk marked SYNC and wont boot...
Pawel Jakub Dawidek
- top for IO stats
- top for IO stats
- removing external usb hdd without unmounting causes reboot?
Matthew Dillon
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Matthew Dillon
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Matthew Dillon
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Gregory Edigarov
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Thijs Eilander
- How stable is 7 now? How to cvs it?
Andrey V. Elsukov
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Daniel Eriksson
- Panic and reboot with USB hard disk
Bartosz Fabianowski
- Panic and reboot with USB hard disk
Bartosz Fabianowski
- Bug in less version 406.
Sean C. Farley
- Bug in less version 406.
Sean C. Farley
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Jason Fesler
- error - snmp_bridge
Carlos Porto Filho
- error - snmp_bridge
Carlos Porto Filho
- error - snmp_bridge (solved)
Carlos Porto Filho
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Skip Ford
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Skip Ford
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Skip Ford
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Skip Ford
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Skip Ford
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Skip Ford
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Skip Ford
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Richard Foulkes
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Marc G. Fournier
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Marc G. Fournier
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Marc G. Fournier
- Static linking and memory usage
Pete French
- Static linking and memory usage
Pete French
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Oliver Fromme
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Oliver Fromme
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Oliver Fromme
- moused(8) consuming cpu for nothing
Oliver Fromme
- viapm - SMBus support for lmmon
Oliver Fromme
- Static linking and memory usage
Oliver Fromme
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Oliver Fromme
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
- Bug in less version 406.
Pieter de Goeje
- Bug in less version 406.
Pieter de Goeje
- Bug in less version 406.
Pieter de Goeje
- 3ware RAID ctrlr: twe0: twe_map_request: malloc failed.
Informational or am I screwed?
Howard Goldstein
- 3ware RAID ctrlr: twe0: twe_map_request: malloc failed.
Howard Goldstein
- 3ware RAID ctrlr: twe0: twe_map_request: malloc failed.
Howard Goldstein
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Manjunath R Gowda
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Andy Greenwood
- You just recieved a Electronic Greeting.
Electronic Greeting
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Edwin Groothuis
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Edwin Groothuis
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Edwin Groothuis
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Edwin Groothuis
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Edwin Groothuis
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Eugene Grosbein
- unable to kill process, problem with FBSD6?
Eugene Grosbein
- unable to kill process, problem with FBSD6?
Eugene Grosbein
- fragmented buffer cache hang
John-Mark Gurney
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
John-Mark Gurney
- 2TB+ on ahd broken? (6.2-R)
John-Mark Gurney
- 2TB+ on ahd broken? (6.2-R)
John-Mark Gurney
- postfix not starting
Claus Guttesen
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Claus Guttesen
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Claus Guttesen
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Claus Guttesen
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Byung-Hee HWANG
- Fatal error 'mutex is on list'
Vaclav Haisman
- Panic with todays 6.2
Vaclav Haisman
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Svein Halvor Halvorsen
- Crash report
Mike Harding
- Crash report
Mike Harding
- Crash report
Mike Harding
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Elias Hartvigson
- Bug in less version 406.
Ted Hatfield
- Bug in less version 406.
Ted Hatfield
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Patrick M. Hausen
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Patrick M. Hausen
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Patrick M. Hausen
- boot logo/menu corruption
Charles Shannon Hendrix
- limiting output of second stage loader
Charles Shannon Hendrix
- console message suppression during boot
Charles Shannon Hendrix
- top for IO stats
Marian Hettwer
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
Scot Hetzel
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Scot Hetzel
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Thomas Hurst
- IPMI & SuperMicro
Thomas Hurst
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Thomas Hurst
- Gathering entropy freeze on "point-to-point"
Rodney Gordon II
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Mpt raid event notification
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Momchil Ivanov
- Patch for FreeBSD 6.2 fstat(1) to support unionfs (at least a
little bit)
Kurt Jaeger
- MFC 7.0 calcru changes
Mike Jakubik
- cardbus not working?
Craig St. Jean
- Page fault panic due to corrupt callwheel entries
Peter Jeremy
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Bob Johnson
- Crash in ata (owner=0x4)
Peter Johnson
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Tom Judge
- mail problems was Re: apache problems
Kevin K.
- Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Marcus Kaatari
- Bug in less version 406.
Alexander Kabaev
- none of wpa_passphrase
Eitarou Kamo
- none of wpa_passphrase
Eitarou Kamo
- none of wpa_passphrase
Eitarou Kamo
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Poul-Henning Kamp
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Poul-Henning Kamp
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
Kris Kennaway
- Crash report
Kris Kennaway
- Crash report
Kris Kennaway
- How stable is 7 now? How to cvs it?
Kris Kennaway
- twa is giant locked in 7-Current or everywhere?
Kris Kennaway
- How do I interpret mpt "evtlog" messages
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Vivek Khera
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Mark Kirkwood
- Crashed gmirror, single disk marked SYNC and wont boot...
CyberLeo Kitsana
- Problem adding new slices
Jason Edward Kocol
- Problem adding new slices
Jason Edward Kocol
- Problem adding new slices
Jason Edward Kocol
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Andrei Kolu
- buildkernel failure
Kevin Kramer
- buildkernel failure
Kevin Kramer
- buildkernel failure
Kevin Kramer
- 6.2 w/ gjournal missing gjournal binary
Kevin Kramer
- How stable is 7 now? How to cvs it?
Artem Kuchin
- twa is giant locked in 7-Current or everywhere?
Artem Kuchin
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Artem Kuchin
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Artem Kuchin
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Artem Kuchin
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Artem Kuchin
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Artem Kuchin
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Artem Kuchin
- Bug in less version 406.
Xin LI
- apache problems
Miroslav Lachman
- RELENG_6 patch [Re: pf 4.1 Update available for testing]
Max Laier
- RELENG_6 patch [Re: pf 4.1 Update available for testing]
Max Laier
- unable to kill process, problem with FBSD6?
Stefan Lambrev
- unable to kill process, problem with FBSD6?
Stefan Lambrev
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Philippe Laquet
- none of wpa_passphrase
Sam Leffler
- kernel panic, Areca,
6.2-REL with GENERIC [Was: Re: 6.2-st panic w/ ggate [Was: Re:
kernel panic on 6.2-RC2 with GENERIC.]]
Isaac Levy
- kernel panic, Areca,
6.2-REL with GENERIC [Was: Re: 6.2-st panic w/ ggate [Was: Re:
kernel panic on 6.2-RC2 with GENERIC.]]
Isaac Levy
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Don Lewis
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Remko Lodder
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Remko Lodder
- NZ Daylight Savings changes.
Remko Lodder
- 3ware RAID ctrlr: twe0: twe_map_request: malloc failed.
Informational or am I screwed?
Scott Long
- 3ware RAID ctrlr: twe0: twe_map_request: malloc failed.
Scott Long
- twa is giant locked in 7-Current or everywhere?
Scott Long
- twa is giant locked in 7-Current or everywhere?
Scott Long
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Scott Long
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Scott Long
- kernel panic, Areca, 6.2-REL with GENERIC [Was: Re: 6.2-st panic
w/ ggate [Was: Re: kernel panic on 6.2-RC2 with GENERIC.]]
Scott Long
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
M. Warner Losh
- ntpd just sits there and does nothing
M. Warner Losh
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Peter Losher
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Peter Losher
- crashes on amd64 6.2-STABLE server
Lapo Luchini
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Rob MacGregor
- Adobe flash media server compatibility?
Kip Macy
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
David Magda
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
David Magda
- top for IO stats
David Malone
- postfix not starting
Norberto Meijome
- mpt problem
Vladimir Melnik
- Bug in less version 406.
Graham Menhennitt
- top for IO stats
Ken Menzel
- SATA 300 Drive Being Run At 150
Eduardo Meyer
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Clayton Milos
- Marvel Yukon using the sk driver
Clayton Milos
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Clayton Milos
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Clayton Milos
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Clayton Milos
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Clayton Milos
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Clayton Milos
- Marvel Yukon using the sk driver
Nikolay Mirin
- Marvel Yukon using the sk driver
Nikolay Mirin
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
Anish Mistry
- questions on nonsleepable lock
Nex Mon
- Bug in less version 406.
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Stephen Montgomery-Smith
- buildkernel acpi failure
Purushotham Nayak
- moused(8) consuming cpu for nothing
Dan Nelson
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Martin Nilsson
- Various problems with re(4) on a PCIe 8168/8111B onboard NIC
Michael Nottebrock
- MFC 7.0 calcru changes
David O'Brien
- uzip on "large" file systems
Daniel O'Connor
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Daniel O'Connor
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Daniel O'Connor
- twe on amd64 hangs
Daniel O'Connor
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Kevin Oberman
- Problem adding new slices
Kevin Oberman
- Problem adding new slices
Kevin Oberman
- Problem adding new slices
Kevin Oberman
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Kevin Oberman
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Kevin Oberman
- top for IO stats
Scott Oertel
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Gary Palmer
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Darren Pilgrim
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Darren Pilgrim
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Darren Pilgrim
- 3ware cards [Was: Re: A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000
Darren Pilgrim
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Darren Pilgrim
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Jim Pingle
- fusefs-encfs now compiles in 6.2
- fusefs-encfs now compiles in 6.2
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Kirill Ponomarew
- FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE crash under moderate disk activity
Alex Povolotsky
- Getaway Club - Get Ready - This Compensation plan pays thousands
Getaway Club Presentation
- update from RELEASE to STABLE changed /dev/ad or geom behavior?
Michael Proto
- update from RELEASE to STABLE changed /dev/ad or geom behavior?
Michael Proto
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Doug Rabson
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Feargal Reilly
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Feargal Reilly
- apache problems
- apache problems
- apache problems
- apache problems
- apache problems
- apache problems
- mail problems was Re: apache problems
- arran 6.2-RELEASE-p4 broke rrdtool
Jo Rhett
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Jo Rhett
- IGNORE: arran 6.2-RELEASE-p4 broke rrdtool
Jo Rhett
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Jo Rhett
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Jo Rhett
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Jo Rhett
- Panic: Page not present: RELENG_6
Larry Rosenman
- Panic: Page not present: RELENG_6
Larry Rosenman
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Tobias Roth
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Eygene Ryabinkin
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Boris Samorodov
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Boris Samorodov
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Tom Samplonius
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Tom Samplonius
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Tom Samplonius
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
Tom Samplonius
- /dev/ppi Files aren't there! Parallel port problems.
James Sarasin
- sas 5/i and mpt: hw.mpt.enable_sata_wc=1
Peter Schuller
- Static linking and memory usage
David Schwartz
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
David Schwartz
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
David Schwartz
- A little story of failed raid5 (3ware 8000 series)
David Schwartz
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Scott, Brian
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Matthew Seaman
- snd_hda in internal speaker
TooMany Secrets
- error - snmp_bridge (fwd)
Shteryana Shopova
- Static linking and memory usage
Bruce M. Simpson
- Marvel Yukon using the sk driver
Robert Slawson
- postfix not starting
Bill Smith
- postfix not starting
Bill Smith
- postfix not starting
Bill Smith
- postfix not starting
Bill Smith
- postfix not starting
Bill Smith
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Ian Smith
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
Ian Smith
- panic after removing usb flash disk
Ian Smith
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
Ian Smith
- powerd freeze with amd 5000 X2 but not with lower cpus
Ian Smith
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Ulrich Spoerlein
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Ulrich Spoerlein
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Ulrich Spoerlein
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Ulrich Spoerlein
- 6.2, USB wedged
Charles Sprickman
- Netgear PCMCIA NIC
Marius Strobl
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Chuck Swiger
- pam_group vs. multiple group lines
Chuck Swiger
- portaudit
Chuck Swiger
- IPMI & SuperMicro
Nicolas Szalay
- IPMI & SuperMicro
Nicolas Szalay
- IPMI & SuperMicro
Nicolas Szalay
- IPMI & SuperMicro
Nicolas Szalay
- top for IO stats
Nicolas Szalay
- usb evdo device
Mike Tancsa
- HEADS UP: sshd(8) + nologin(5) going to work again
Yar Tikhiy
- sata problems? / system freezes
Nicola Tiling
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on amd64/amd64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/i386
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on i386/pc98
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- [releng_6 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
FreeBSD Tinderbox
- named.conf restored to hint zone for the root by default
Christopher Vance
- NFS Rename problem
Andrea Venturoli
- Call for testing: patch that helps Wine on 6.x
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
- some LORs + non-sleepable locks on recent stable i386 causing
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Ivan Voras
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Ivan Voras
- large RAID volume partition strategy
Ivan Voras
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
Gaye Abdoulaye Walsimou
- Bug in less version 406.
David Wolfskill
- postfix not starting
David Wolfskill
- 6.2-R crash; kgdb not cooperating
David Wolfskill
- Adobe flash media server compatibility?
Albert Wong
- using the flash media server with FreeBSD
Albert Wong
- [OT] Which one is best MTA for me?
LI Xin
- Fatal error 'mutex is on list'
David Xu
- Various problems with re(4) on a PCIe 8168/8111B onboard NIC
Pyun YongHyeon
- Marvel Yukon using the sk driver
Pyun YongHyeon
- Marvel Yukon using the sk driver
Pyun YongHyeon
- error - snmp_bridge
Bjoern A. Zeeb
- Your account on Enjoy!
- You've received a greeting from a family member!
- You've received a greeting from a family member!
- portaudit
- portaudit
- Recent PAM changes worth an UPDATING entry?
- Recent PAM changes worth an UPDATING entry?
- default dns config change causing major poolpah
jonathan michaels
- unable to kill process, problem with FBSD6?
- unable to kill process, problem with FBSD6?
- buildkernel failure
- buildkernel failure
- DELL SC430 & ahd0: <Adaptec 39320A Ultra320 SCSI adapter>
raul.rodriguez at
- package "xkeyboard-config" not available
remrot at
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 07:39:02 PDT 2007
Archived on: Fri Aug 31 07:39:07 PDT 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).