Marvel Yukon using the sk driver

Pyun YongHyeon pyunyh at
Mon Aug 20 18:50:51 PDT 2007

On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 01:06:15PM -0500, Nikolay Mirin wrote:
 > Hi, what I can tell.
 > I had a terrible problem with this card (PCI-E version) exactly one week 
 > ago. Both drivers msk from the system and myk from the vendor show 
 > similar behavior.
 > On high loads, like 2-3 users from Samba domain pulling their profiles 
 > at the same time, the card just chokes. No ping, and
 > "buffer overflow message".
 > I mean I had to bring the interface down and up again. Absolutely 
 > disgusting.

Show me verbosed boot dmesg and the output of "pciconf -lcv".
Did you see watchdog timeout messages on your console?

 > No tweak helps.
 > I mean, we tested it over the weekend and it was fine, till folks come 
 > there on Monday and start massively using the server.
 > We downgraded the hardware and put good old 3Com509 PCI or whatever 
 > works with xl driver.
 > Robert Slawson said the following on 20.08.2007 10:13:
 > >Greetings,
 > >
 > >I have a marvel yukon pci gigabit ethernet card. For some reason, 
 > >after a period of time it will not transmit unless I make it transmit 
 > >by pinging via the console. It is very annoying as I cannot ssh into 
 > >the machine until I "wake up" the card by telling it to ping something.
 > >
 > >I am using 6.2 stable and just yesterday rebuilt the kernel and world 
 > >hoping this would fix the problem. But nothing seems to help.
 > >
 > >I think the card needs to use the msk driver , which is installed, but 
 > >the card keeps using the sk driver. Is there a way to have freebsd re 
 > >identify the card correctly and use the proper driver?
 > >
 > >Thanks in advance,
 > >Bob
Pyun YongHyeon

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