Port deprecation reason ``Does not work with Ruby 1.9'' -- what should I do?

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at FreeBSD.org
Mon Mar 11 23:57:33 UTC 2013

On 3/11/2013 4:13 PM, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
> Hello, Ports.
>   My  port  (devel/ruby-subversion) is marked for deletion in 2 months
>  because `` Does not work with Ruby 1.9''. What should I do?
>    To be honest, I know nothing about Ruby and this port is part of
>  official subversion distribution. Only thing I could do is to check
>  that it builds and pass "make tests".
>   Why port is marked for deletion? Is ruby 1.8 deprecated and removed?
>  Why can't port be for ruby 1.8 only?

I believe 1.8 is EOL in June.


I can't find anything more recent confirming this though.

>   Only tyhing I could do right now -- ask upstream is ruby 1.9
>  support planned for future releases, but I can not influence
>  upstream to provide (or doesn't provide) such support and I cannot
>  hack sources to make it support ruby 1.9 :(

Bryan Drewery
bdrewery at freenode/EFNet

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