Port deprecation reason ``Does not work with Ruby 1.9'' -- what should I do?

Lev Serebryakov lev at FreeBSD.org
Mon Mar 11 21:13:48 UTC 2013

Hello, Ports.

  My  port  (devel/ruby-subversion) is marked for deletion in 2 months
 because `` Does not work with Ruby 1.9''. What should I do?

   To be honest, I know nothing about Ruby and this port is part of
 official subversion distribution. Only thing I could do is to check
 that it builds and pass "make tests".

  Why port is marked for deletion? Is ruby 1.8 deprecated and removed?
 Why can't port be for ruby 1.8 only?

  Only tyhing I could do right now -- ask upstream is ruby 1.9
 support planned for future releases, but I can not influence
 upstream to provide (or doesn't provide) such support and I cannot
 hack sources to make it support ruby 1.9 :(

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at FreeBSD.org>

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