rc scripts change for review

Doug Barton dougb at FreeBSD.org
Sat Apr 23 17:13:03 UTC 2011

On 04/20/2011 17:54, Rick Macklem wrote:
> Hi,
> I've attached modified versions of mountd and nfsd for /etc/rc.d, plus a
> new one called nfssrv. These assume that the mountd and nfsd executables
> have a new option "-o" which forces use of the old nfs server and that the
> new nfs server is the default.

Overall the diffs (http://people.freebsd.org/~rmacklem/rc.conf) seem Ok, 
but see below about nfssrv.

> I also need to add:
> oldnfs_server_enable="NO"
> to /etc/defaults/rc.conf
> - is there a preferred place for this?

Near the other nfs related stuff. Please don't forget 
share/man/man5/rc.conf.5 as well.

> One thing I am not sure about is the REQUIRE: list in mountd.
> nfsserver and nfssrv essentially load the respective module. They are only
> used if sysctl variables need to be set and that's actually done by nfsd.
> (Should they be listed in mountd or nfsd or ???)

It's not a good idea to add single scripts that only have a tiny 
function, especially if they are only called conditionally (I.e., they 
contain KEYWORD: nostart). It's preferred to handle these things things 
in the script that needs them, or if it's necessary in more than one 
script to add a function to the appropriate .subr (rc, or network).

So can you say a little more about what you're trying to accomplish? 
It's not clear to me why instead of doing this:

+		if ! sysctl vfs.newnfs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+			force_depend nfssrv || return 1
+		fi

you would not just do this:

+		if ! sysctl vfs.newnfs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+			load_kld nfsd
+		fi

And finally a meta-note, I admire that you are at least checking for 
success on your commands, but FYI rather than relying on return it's 
helpful to use either warn for advisories or err for fatal errors to 
provide more information about why things are failing. You can read up 
on these in the comments in /etc/rc.subr, and/or look in /etc/rc.d for 
examples of how they are used.




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