rc scripts change for review

Rick Macklem rmacklem at uoguelph.ca
Thu Apr 21 01:23:51 UTC 2011


I've attached modified versions of mountd and nfsd for /etc/rc.d, plus a
new one called nfssrv. These assume that the mountd and nfsd executables
have a new option "-o" which forces use of the old nfs server and that the
new nfs server is the default.

I also need to add:
to /etc/defaults/rc.conf
- is there a preferred place for this?

One thing I am not sure about is the REQUIRE: list in mountd.
nfsserver and nfssrv essentially load the respective module. They are only
used if sysctl variables need to be set and that's actually done by nfsd.
(Should they be listed in mountd or nfsd or ???)

Could you please review these.

Thanks, rick

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