July 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 03:34:43 UTC 2021
Ending: Sat Jul 31 22:27:19 UTC 2021
Messages: 219
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Fernando Apesteguía
- Se adjuntan los archivos correspondientes a su comprobante. Deseamos que tenga un buen dÃÂa - 1219617
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Peter Boosten
- Goodbye
James B. Byrne
- Goodbye
Tomasz CEDRO
- Goodbye
Tomasz CEDRO
- Goodbye
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- Moving From 11-Stable to 12-Stable
Tomasz CEDRO
- how to load ssh-agent into x11/sddm
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- How to turn HDMI video off but keep audio on (slightly OT?)
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- How to turn HDMI video off but keep audio on (slightly OT?)
Tomasz CEDRO
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Tomasz CEDRO
- How to turn HDMI video off but keep audio on (slightly OT?)
Tomasz CEDRO
- Symbolic link to external server
Tomasz CEDRO
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
- Cans We take Snapshots of VMs with Volumes attached?
- Detecting or mitigating syn-flood attacks
Arthur Chance
- Symbolic link to external server
Jos Chrispijn
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
David Christensen
- no such file or directory
David Christensen
- stable/13 update with gitup
Hrant Dadivanyan
- stable/13 update with gitup
Hrant Dadivanyan
- Help With bind Debug Messages
Tim Daneliuk
- Goodbye
Tim Daneliuk
- Moving From 11-Stable to 12-Stable
Tim Daneliuk
- Moving From 11-Stable to 12-Stable
Tim Daneliuk
- Moving From 11-Stable to 12-Stable
Tim Daneliuk
- 13-STABLE Buildworld Failing
Tim Daneliuk
- Clarification Of -jX Argument For buildworld/kernel
Tim Daneliuk
- Cross Machine Compilation Question
Tim Daneliuk
- Goodbye
Thomas D. Dean
- AMD Processor hwpstate_intel.1 loaded
Thomas D. Dean
- cpu name for AMD Threadripper CPU's
Thomas D. Dean
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Thomas D. Dean
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Thomas D. Dean
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Thomas D. Dean
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Thomas D. Dean
- sys/timerfd.h missing
Thomas D. Dean
- sys/timerfd.h missing
Thomas D. Dean
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Thomas D. Dean
- Goodbye
The Doctor
- How to upgrade Mailman and keep Let's Encrypt ?
William Dudley
- How to upgrade Mailman and keep Let's Encrypt ?
William Dudley
- Has anyone used mlmmj and/or mlmmj-webview?
William Dudley
- LPD with issue
Jacques Foucry
- Goodbye
Jacques Foucry
- iocage, vnet jail does not go outside
Jacques Foucry
- iocage, vnet jail does not go outside
Jacques Foucry
- How to turn HDMI video off but keep audio on (slightly OT?)
Aryeh Friedman
- How to turn HDMI video off but keep audio on (slightly OT?)
Aryeh Friedman
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Valeri Galtsev
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Valeri Galtsev
- Is dnssec subject to intermittent failures?
Dewayne Geraghty
- Is dnssec subject to intermittent failures?
Dewayne Geraghty
- How to upgrade Mailman and keep Let's Encrypt ?
Lowell Gilbert
- iocage, vnet jail does not go outside
Michael Gmelin
- iocage, vnet jail does not go outside
Michael Gmelin
- Detecting or mitigating syn-flood attacks
Norman Gray
- Detecting or mitigating syn-flood attacks
Norman Gray
- sys/timerfd.h missing
Kurt Hackenberg
- how to load ssh-agent into x11/sddm
Kurt Hackenberg
- sys/timerfd.h missing
Chris Hill
- Goodbye
Simon Hoffmann
- Goodbye
Simon Hoffmann
- Moving From 11-Stable to 12-Stable
Simon Hoffmann
- Samba on FreeBSD 13
Simon Hoffmann
- Jails, Containers and the Handbook
Alejandro Imass
- FreeBSD
Alejandro Imass
- FreeBSD
Alejandro Imass
- FreeBSD
Alejandro Imass
- FreeBSD
Alejandro Imass
- FreeBSD
Alejandro Imass
- FreeBSD
Alejandro Imass
- Goodbye
- how to run namei in bsd?
Paul Kagan
- Problems caused by automatic suspend
Robert Kopp
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
John Levine
- Is dnssec subject to intermittent failures?
John Levine
- Has anyone used mlmmj and/or mlmmj-webview?
John Levine
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Mario Lobo
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Mario Lobo
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Mario Lobo
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Mario Lobo
- Suricata 6.0.3 process never stops under FreeBSD 13-p3
Carlos Lopez
- Suricata 6.0.3 process never stops under FreeBSD 13-p3
Carlos Lopez
- Suricata 6.0.3 process never stops under FreeBSD 13-p3
Carlos Lopez
- qtchooser
- cpufreq
- cpufreq
- Goodbye
Ralf Mardorf
- Goodbye
Ralf Mardorf
- Goodbye
Ralf Mardorf
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Ralf Mardorf
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Ralf Mardorf
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Ralf Mardorf
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Ralf Mardorf
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Ralf Mardorf
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Ralf Mardorf
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Ralf Mardorf
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Ralf Mardorf
- FreeBSD
Ralf Mardorf
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Ralf Mardorf
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Ralf Mardorf
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Ralf Mardorf
- FreeBSD
Ralf Mardorf
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Ralf Mardorf
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Vlad Markov
- Binary vs source
Nathaniel Nigro
- No subject
Nathaniel Nigro
- Goodbye
Nyakov Nyakovski
- Goodbye
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Goodbye
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Binary vs source
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- No subject
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- FreeBSD
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Detecting or mitigating syn-flood attacks
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- how often do the pkg machines run?
Kevin Oberman
- 13-STABLE Buildworld Failing
Kevin Oberman
- Clarification Of -jX Argument For buildworld/kernel
Kevin Oberman
- Does openmp still require gcc?
Kevin Oberman
- LPD with issue
Hans Ottevanger
- IPv6 on update2.freebsd.org
Philip Paeps
- IPv6 on update2.freebsd.org
Philip Paeps
- FreeBSD-based and FreeBSD-provided disk images for virtual machines (was: Goodbye)
Graham Perrin
- KDE quick start (was: Goodbye)
Graham Perrin
- KDE/Plasma + sddm: graphical login pauses a while, then restarts.
Graham Perrin
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
Graham Perrin
- FreeBSD
Graham Perrin
- KDE/Plasma + sddm: graphical login pauses a while, then restarts.
Graham Perrin
- Samba on FreeBSD 13
Graham Perrin
- (257498) IPv6 on update2.freebsd.org
Graham Perrin
- Specifying IPv6 off-link for a subnet
Mel Pilgrim
- Specifying IPv6 off-link for a subnet
Mel Pilgrim
- Specifying IPv6 off-link for a subnet
Mel Pilgrim
- Wireguard_kmod strange behaviour with config from Linux
Dmitry Polyakov
- Goodbye
Paul Procacci
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Paul Procacci
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Paul Procacci
- cpu name for AMD Threadripper CPU's
Paul Procacci
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Paul Procacci
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Paul Procacci
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Paul Procacci
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Paul Procacci
- How do I disable CPU throttling
Paul Procacci
- how to run namei in bsd?
Paul Procacci
- Understanding the behavior of the 32 bit mmap system call
Paul Procacci
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- IPv6 on update2.freebsd.org
Dennis Radford
- IPv6 on update2.freebsd.org
Dennis Radford
- IPv6 on update2.freebsd.org
Dennis Radford
- Goodbye
David Raver
- Goodbye
David Raver
- Goodbye
David Raver
- Understanding the behavior of the 32 bit mmap system call
- Understanding the behavior of the 32 bit mmap system call
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
Rodrigo Readi
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- What the hell starts pulseaudio?!
- Claws Mail (was: What the hell starts pulseaudio?!)
- What is the deal with the pattern of structs from sys/sys/sysproto.h?
- Goodbye
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
- i use freebsd 13 for build my Building code for the graduation project but i need to gcc49 .. but i can't install it can you help me
Michael Schuster
- KDE/Plasma + sddm: graphical login pauses a while, then restarts.
Michael Schuster
- KDE/Plasma + sddm: graphical login pauses a while, then restarts.
Michael Schuster
- KDE/Plasma + sddm: graphical login pauses a while, then restarts.
Michael Schuster
- KDE/Plasma + sddm: graphical login pauses a while, then restarts.
Michael Schuster
- Cross Machine Compilation Question
Michael Schuster
- KDE/Plasma + sddm: graphical login pauses a while, then restarts.
Michael Schuster
- Specifying IPv6 off-link for a subnet
- Specifying IPv6 off-link for a subnet
- Specifying IPv6 off-link for a subnet
- Goodbye
Dale Scott
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Korolev Sergey
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Korolev Sergey
- Analyzing Log files of very large size
Korolev Sergey
- FreeBSD
Michael Sierchio
- stable/13 update with gitup
Herbert J. Skuhra
- cpufreq
Herbert J. Skuhra
- 13-STABLE Buildworld Failing
Herbert J. Skuhra
- Clarification Of -jX Argument For buildworld/kernel
Herbert J. Skuhra
- Has anyone used mlmmj and/or mlmmj-webview?
Odhiambo Washington
- USB boot sector not found (release 13)
Edscott Wilson
- AMD Processor hwpstate_intel.1 loaded
Pete Wright
- How to upgrade Mailman and keep Let's Encrypt ?
freebsd at boosten.org
- Symbolic link to external server
freebsd at boosten.org
- FreeBSD
ezekiel motta
- FreeBSD
ezekiel motta
- Regarding MALLOC_DEFINE related issues in kernel code usage
Shamsher singh
- Regarding MALLOC_DEFINE related issues in kernel code usage
Shamsher singh
- Suricata 6.0.3 process never stops under FreeBSD 13-p3
mike tancsa
- Suricata 6.0.3 process never stops under FreeBSD 13-p3
mike tancsa
- how to load ssh-agent into x11/sddm
- how to load ssh-agent into x11/sddm
- how often do the pkg machines run?
- how often do the pkg machines run?
- no such file or directory
pkagan at videotron.ca
- How to upgrade Mailman and keep Let's Encrypt ?
pkagan at videotron.ca
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 22:27:19 UTC 2021
Archived on: Sun Aug 1 08:09:19 UTC 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).