December 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Dec 1 09:30:27 UTC 2020
Ending: Wed Dec 30 22:53:25 UTC 2020
Messages: 232
- Updgrading from FreeBSD 12.1 to 12.2
at lbutlr
- Patches for OpenSSL
at lbutlr
- milter-greylist permissions and owner
Gary Aitken
- strange tcp behavior; all systems except 1 connect to google compute engine
Gary Aitken
- Xfce Terminal doesn't like blue?
Gary Aitken
- strange tcp behavior; all systems except 1 connect to google compute engine
Gary Aitken
- libreoffice spell check doesn't work?
Gary Aitken
- libreoffice spell check doesn't work?
Gary Aitken
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Ihor Antonov
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Ihor Antonov
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Ihor Antonov
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Ihor Antonov
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Matthias Apitz
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Matthias Apitz
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Matthias Apitz
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Matthias Apitz
- Jemalloc and FreeBSD question
Valerio Besozzi
- Potential BUG: update_motd="YES" is prepending same text on ever reboot
Rahul Bharadwaj
- Potential BUG: update_motd="YES" is prepending same text on ever reboot
Rahul Bharadwaj
- Potential BUG: update_motd="YES" is prepending same text on ever reboot
Rahul Bharadwaj
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
Rahul Bharadwaj
- Re: What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
Rahul Bharadwaj
- FreeBSD-12.1p10 OpenJDK11 Java SSL certificate issue
James B. Byrne
- enligthenment stopped working after pkg upgrade
Tomasz CEDRO
- FreeBSD E Wayland LoginD
Tomasz CEDRO
- FreeBSD E Wayland LoginD
Tomasz CEDRO
- FreeBSD E Wayland LoginD
Tomasz CEDRO
- enligthenment stopped working after pkg upgrade
Tomasz CEDRO
- 11.4 pauses
Tomasz CEDRO
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Tomasz CEDRO
- Project information - SMBv2+
- Project information - SMBv2+
- Unbound
Arthur Chance
- Unbound
Arthur Chance
- How do I permanently disable a kernel module?
Arthur Chance
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Arthur Chance
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Arthur Chance
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
Jos Chrispijn
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
Jos Chrispijn
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
Jos Chrispijn
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
Jos Chrispijn
- Login user status
Jos Chrispijn
- Login user status
Jos Chrispijn
- x11/sddm hangs with black screen
Mike Clarke
- x11/sddm hangs with black screen
Mike Clarke
- x11/sddm hangs with black screen
Mike Clarke
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Tim Daneliuk
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Tim Daneliuk
- 11-STABLE to 12-STABLE Migration Questions
Tim Daneliuk
- Build issues in releng/11.0
Ameya Deshpande
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Ameya Deshpande
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Ameya Deshpande
- Boot problems with a new system
Kyle Evans
- Boot problems with a new system
Kyle Evans
- Questions about the output of jls
Kyle Evans
- milter-greylist permissions and owner
Jacques Foucry
- Jail, VNET and IPv6
Jacques Foucry
- Jail, VNET and IPv6
Jacques Foucry
- virtualbox bridge issues
S. Franks
- ipfw and strongswan
Victor Gamov
- ipfw and strongswan
Victor Gamov
- 11-STABLE to 12-STABLE Migration Questions
Dewayne Geraghty
- Questions about the output of jls
James Gritton
- Aw: Re: Questions about the output of jls
James Gritton
- How to play audio on stereo device
Jin Guojun[VFF]
- ipfw and strongswan
Christoph Harder
- ipfw and strongswan
Christoph Harder
- Patches for OpenSSL
Dave Hayes
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Dave Hayes
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Dave Hayes
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Dave Hayes
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Dave Hayes
- KVM switch for 4k video
Chris Hill
- Orb logo overwriting part of virtual terminals
Carl Johnson
- Xfce Terminal doesn't like blue?
Carl Johnson
- Xfce Terminal doesn't like blue?
Carl Johnson
- Orb logo overwriting part of virtual terminals
Carl Johnson
- Boot problems with a new system
Carl Johnson
- Boot problems with a new system
Carl Johnson
- Boot problems with a new system
Carl Johnson
- enligthenment stopped working after pkg upgrade
Guido Kollerie
- Project information - SMBv2+
- 11-STABLE to 12-STABLE Migration Questions
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
John Levine
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
John Levine
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
John Levine
- Different sound devices for mic and speakers
Per olof Ljungmark
- Different sound devices for mic and speakers
Per olof Ljungmark
- Different sound devices for mic and speakers
Per olof Ljungmark
- Different sound devices for mic and speakers
Mario Lobo
- Different sound devices for mic and speakers
Mario Lobo
- Firefox: virtual_oss: no sound (was: Different sound devices for mic and speakers)
Mario Lobo
- Firefox: virtual_oss: no sound
Mario Lobo
- Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP
Patrick Mahan
Ralf Mardorf
Ralf Mardorf
- effect of differing spindle speeds on prospective zfs vdevs
Paul Mather
- effect of differing spindle speeds on prospective zfs vdevs
Paul Mather
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Rick Miller
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Rick Miller
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Thomas Mueller
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- 11-STABLE to 12-STABLE Migration Questions
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- Observations on virtual memory operations
Steve O'Hara-Smith
- /usr/local/bin/X: Only console users are allowed to run the X server
Antonio Olivares
- RPi4 hdmi support
Matt P.
- Sony and FreeBSD foundation
Yuri Pankov
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Yuri Pankov
- Server hang on SMB requests
Walter Parker
- 11.4 pauses
Walter Parker
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Matthias Peng
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Matthias Peng
- Firefox: virtual_oss: no sound (was: Different sound devices for mic and speakers)
Graham Perrin
- Different sound devices for mic and speakers: Virtual OSS Control
Graham Perrin
- Firefox: virtual_oss: no sound
Graham Perrin
- virtual_oss: Could not connect to cuse module
Graham Perrin
- virtual_oss: Could not create CUSE DSP device
Graham Perrin
- sudo virtual_oss -C 2 -c 2 -r 48000 -b 24 -s 8.0ms -f /dev/dsp3 -d dsp
Graham Perrin
- virtual_oss, cuse, webcamd …
Graham Perrin
- x11/sddm hangs with black screen
Graham Perrin
- pkg-query(8) variables and %R for repository
Graham Perrin
- x11/sddm hangs with black screen
Graham Perrin
- x11/sddm hangs with black screen
Graham Perrin
- (251866) Network installation on a UEFI-only box
Graham Perrin
- (251866) Network installation on a UEFI-only box
Graham Perrin
- (251866) Network installation on a UEFI-only box
Graham Perrin
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Graham Perrin
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Graham Perrin
- Changing pkgbase package names via PKG_VERSION variable
Graham Perrin
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
Mel Pilgrim
- Login user status
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
- What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Vasily Postnicov
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Vasily Postnicov
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Vasily Postnicov
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Vasily Postnicov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Vasily Postnicov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Vasily Postnicov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Vasily Postnicov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Vasily Postnicov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Vasily Postnicov
- Network namespaces in FreeBSD
Kristof Provost
- Unbound
- Assistance needed with Xorg
Eduardo Lemos de Sa
- Assistance needed with Xorg
Gabriel Saltar
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
Diego Sanchez
Diego Sanchez
Diego Sanchez
Diego Sanchez
- Assistance needed with Xorg
Christian Schmidt
- OpenBSD/NetBSD Bhyve
Michael Schuster
- x11/sddm hangs with black screen
Michael Schuster
- Observations on virtual memory operations
Michael Schuster
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Michael Schuster
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Michael Schuster
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Michael Schuster
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Michael Schuster
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Michael Schuster
- Project information - SMBv2+
Dale Scott
- 11-STABLE to 12-STABLE Migration Questions
Matthew Seaman
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Oskar Sharipov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Oskar Sharipov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Oskar Sharipov
- graphics on amd radeon vega
Oskar Sharipov
- ipfw and strongswan
Michael Sierchio
- strange tcp behavior; all systems except 1 connect to google compute engine
Michael Sierchio
- BOOTX64.EFI padding
Michael Sierchio
- Re: What does “No anode” mean in errno 55 when socket connection fails?
Michael Sierchio
- Patches for OpenSSL
Herbert J. Skuhra
- Raspberry Pi 4 8GB: Boot Hang, (Simple) Workaround?
Stephan, Corey
- Raspberry Pi 4 8GB: Boot Hang, (Simple) Workaround?
Stephan, Corey
- Network installation on a UEFI-only box
Victor Sudakov
- BOOTX64.EFI padding
Victor Sudakov
- BOOTX64.EFI padding
Victor Sudakov
- (251866) Network installation on a UEFI-only box
Victor Sudakov
- (251866) Network installation on a UEFI-only box
Victor Sudakov
- FreeBSD routing problem
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- EFI, UEFI, PXE: FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso boot from SAN device failed, error 0x7f22208e
Victor Sudakov
- Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP
Andrea Venturoli
- Cryptographic Coprocessor PSPCPP
Andrea Venturoli
- Project information - SMBv2+
Andrea Venturoli
- Updgrading from FreeBSD 12.1 to 12.2
Odhiambo Washington
- Php 7.2 -> 7.3
Odhiambo Washington
- Where can I find the new git repository?
Christian Weisgerber
- Orb logo overwriting part of virtual terminals
Steve Wills
- Jemalloc and FreeBSD question
Pete Wright
- Observations on virtual memory operations
Pete Wright
- Observations on virtual memory operations
Pete Wright
- Problem connecting to an XMPP server from Pidgin
Amit Yaron
freebsd at
- Assistance needed with Xorg
- Observations on virtual memory operations
- Observations on virtual memory operations
- Questions about the output of jls
mj-mailinglist at
- Aw: Re: Questions about the output of jls
mj-mailinglist at
- effect of differing spindle speeds on prospective zfs vdevs
- OpenBSD/NetBSD Bhyve
Brandon helsley
- make fails (kernel)
Brandon helsley
- Sony and FreeBSD foundation
ashik at
- Observations on virtual memory operations
doug at
- Observations on virtual memory operations
doug at
- Jail, VNET and IPv6
- Patches for OpenSSL
jerry at
- Patches for OpenSSL
mike tancsa
- Patches for OpenSSL
mike tancsa
- effect of differing spindle speeds on prospective zfs vdevs
- effect of differing spindle speeds on prospective zfs vdevs
- strange tcp behavior; all systems except 1 connect to google compute engine
Last message date:
Wed Dec 30 22:53:25 UTC 2020
Archived on: Wed Dec 30 22:53:26 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).