Dell PowerEdge r210 II

Matthias Apitz guru at
Thu Feb 16 06:51:02 UTC 2017

El día Saturday, January 28, 2017 a las 03:54:12PM -0600, Valeri Galtsev escribió:

> >> That looks like a pretty kick-ass machine. I hope you'll have it in a
> >> server room, or some place away from the general public; seems like it
> >> would be as noisy as a hovercraft.
> >
> > Re/ the noise, when I tested it with the USB booted system, it was like
> > a hovercraft on the power-on self-tests,

I bought 2 Seagate SAS disks, each 300 (marketing) GByte in size, and
installed CURRENT on the first one. The server right now sits there,
only root logged in, the eight CPUs are 100% idle as top shows, but the
beast makes noise like a 747 aircraft on waiting for take-off. I have to
dig into the fan control to see how to switch them off, based on the
temperature of the CPUs.

Another problem is the disks are mounted in brackets as shown here:
and the screws have been sent to dustbin together with the original
disks (when they have been sent for destruction for data security
reasons). If someone has access to such original screws, please contact
me off-list.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, ⌂  ☎ +49-176-38902045

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