Is it time to retire the scanner ?

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk m.e.sanliturk at
Sat Oct 22 10:33:39 UTC 2016

On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 11:45 PM, Manish Jain <bourne.identity at>

> Hi,
> My Canon MG 2470 Pixma Multi Function Device (USB) serving purely as a
> scanner has stopped working under FreeBSD (it works under Windows XP
> still though).
> 'scanimage -L' gets stuck. The following diagnostics are available at
> the console :
> ulpt0: <Canon MG2400 series, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.03, addr 7> on usbus7
> ulpt0: using bi-directional mode
> ata0: FAILURE - odd-sized DMA transfer attempt 5 % 2
> ata0: setting up DMA failed
> I can't be sure whether the ata0 error above is related to the Canon
> scanner, but it does look like that.
> Would it suggest that the scanner hardware has started failing ? I have
> tried disconnecting the scanner from the USB hub and connecting it
> directly to a USB port at the mainboard, but even that does not help.
> Thanks for any help.
> Manish Jain
> _______________________________________________

I can not say you should retire your scanner , but I have wanted to share
the following experience :

I have computer from 2004 . It was for Windows XP . I have started to use
it as a FreeBSD server client . It started to corrupt the accessed files .
I have changed memories , without help .
I have installed a Linux to use it . It did not work either . Locally in
Windows XP it is still working .

Possible reasons :

Linux parts are accessing some parts which Windows XP is not using : These
parts may be in fault .
As client to FreeBSD or Linux server , a similar state is occurring .

My opinion  is that if your scanner is working under Windows XP , continue
to use it in that way .
If you need to use a scanner in FreeBSD , review SANE (*Scanner* Access Now
Easy) documentation and select a suitable scanner to buy and use it .

( You may search in Google the phrase : scanner in FreeBSD )

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

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