Is it time to retire the scanner ?

Manish Jain bourne.identity at
Sat Oct 22 06:46:08 UTC 2016


My Canon MG 2470 Pixma Multi Function Device (USB) serving purely as a 
scanner has stopped working under FreeBSD (it works under Windows XP 
still though).

'scanimage -L' gets stuck. The following diagnostics are available at 
the console :

ulpt0: <Canon MG2400 series, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.03, addr 7> on usbus7
ulpt0: using bi-directional mode
ata0: FAILURE - odd-sized DMA transfer attempt 5 % 2
ata0: setting up DMA failed

I can't be sure whether the ata0 error above is related to the Canon 
scanner, but it does look like that.

Would it suggest that the scanner hardware has started failing ? I have 
tried disconnecting the scanner from the USB hub and connecting it 
directly to a USB port at the mainboard, but even that does not help.

Thanks for any help.
Manish Jain

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