dhcpd, iscsi and a raspberry pi

John Howie john at thehowies.com
Tue Mar 15 19:55:14 UTC 2016

Hi Guy,

When the Raspberry Pi boots it will use DHCP several times. The first is in UBOOT, and twice when the kernel boots (based on my own observations, and configuration). Using Windows Server DHCP Server, I was able to use the MAC address to guarantee that the Pi got the same IP address each time. Your mileage with ISC-DHCPD may vary. I am no expert with that DHCP server so can offer no advice on how to make it work in a similar fashion to Windows Server.



On 3/15/16, 10:55 AM, "owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org on behalf of Arthur Chance" <owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org on behalf of freebsd at qeng-ho.org> wrote:

>On 15/03/2016 17:52, Arthur Chance wrote:
>> On 15/03/2016 16:32, Guy Harrison wrote:
>>> HI Folks,
>>> I just wanted to check I'm getting correct behaviour 'cos I'm no expert on 
>>> these things!
>>> I've built an iscsi enabled kernel for the raspberry pi (aka debian jessie)
>> You're asking about Debian, a Linux distro, on a FreeBSD mailing list.
>> Not quite as bad as asking about Windows on a Mac OS list, but you'd be
>> much better off find a Debian mailing list to ask on. Try looking here
>> https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/
>Ack, shouldn't be so hasty, just spotted your uname -a below. That 8.2
>is way out of date though. I'll let someone better versed in dhcpd
>handle the rest.
>>> and the initrd is obtaining a first IP address then when the kernel proper 
>>> boots a second IP address is obtained. Both are bound to eth0.
>>> [admin at sdvmf64dns ~/etc]$ dhcpd --version
>>> isc-dhcpd-V3.1.2p1
>>> [admin at sdvmf64dns ~]$ uname -a
>>> FreeBSD sdvmf64dns.swampdog 8.2-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p4 #1: Thu 
>>> Oct 27 14:26:36 BST 2011     
>>> root at sdvmf64dns.swampdog:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>>> The problem is the second IP address is "known" in that 'nslookup' knows the 
>>> pi name and so forth..
>>> lease {
>>>   starts 4 2016/03/10 14:55:05;
>>>   ends 4 2016/03/10 15:05:05;
>>>   cltt 4 2016/03/10 14:55:05;
>>>   binding state active;
>>>   next binding state free;
>>>   hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:0f:32:64;
>>>   uid "\001\270'\353\0172d";
>>>   set ddns-rev-name = "";
>>>   set ddns-txt = "318788caec8944734a9e0c2fe418c9db6f";
>>>   set ddns-fwd-name = "pi05.swampdog";
>>>   client-hostname "pi05";
>>> }
>>> ..whereas the first IP..
>>> lease {
>>>   starts 3 2016/03/09 14:09:27;
>>>   ends 3 2016/03/09 14:19:27;
>>>   tstp 3 2016/03/09 14:19:27;
>>>   cltt 3 2016/03/09 14:09:27;
>>>   binding state free;
>>>   hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:0f:32:64;
>>> }
>>> ..only appears the once, on boot. This is the IP address by which the iscsi 
>>> target knows the pi and it expires!
>>> I was expecting the first *.53 IP to be inherited by the kernel rather than 
>>> it go obtain the second *.45 IP address. Is correct?
>>> If so, what do I need to be doing to get that to happen?
>>> I've googled this to death and not encountered this precise problem.
>>> TIA
>>> Guy
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