dhcpd, iscsi and a raspberry pi

Arthur Chance freebsd at qeng-ho.org
Tue Mar 15 17:55:55 UTC 2016

On 15/03/2016 17:52, Arthur Chance wrote:
> On 15/03/2016 16:32, Guy Harrison wrote:
>> HI Folks,
>> I just wanted to check I'm getting correct behaviour 'cos I'm no expert on 
>> these things!
>> I've built an iscsi enabled kernel for the raspberry pi (aka debian jessie)
> You're asking about Debian, a Linux distro, on a FreeBSD mailing list.
> Not quite as bad as asking about Windows on a Mac OS list, but you'd be
> much better off find a Debian mailing list to ask on. Try looking here
> https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/

Ack, shouldn't be so hasty, just spotted your uname -a below. That 8.2
is way out of date though. I'll let someone better versed in dhcpd
handle the rest.

>> and the initrd is obtaining a first IP address then when the kernel proper 
>> boots a second IP address is obtained. Both are bound to eth0.
>> [admin at sdvmf64dns ~/etc]$ dhcpd --version
>> isc-dhcpd-V3.1.2p1
>> [admin at sdvmf64dns ~]$ uname -a
>> FreeBSD sdvmf64dns.swampdog 8.2-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p4 #1: Thu 
>> Oct 27 14:26:36 BST 2011     
>> root at sdvmf64dns.swampdog:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>> The problem is the second IP address is "known" in that 'nslookup' knows the 
>> pi name and so forth..
>> lease {
>>   starts 4 2016/03/10 14:55:05;
>>   ends 4 2016/03/10 15:05:05;
>>   cltt 4 2016/03/10 14:55:05;
>>   binding state active;
>>   next binding state free;
>>   hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:0f:32:64;
>>   uid "\001\270'\353\0172d";
>>   set ddns-rev-name = "";
>>   set ddns-txt = "318788caec8944734a9e0c2fe418c9db6f";
>>   set ddns-fwd-name = "pi05.swampdog";
>>   client-hostname "pi05";
>> }
>> ..whereas the first IP..
>> lease {
>>   starts 3 2016/03/09 14:09:27;
>>   ends 3 2016/03/09 14:19:27;
>>   tstp 3 2016/03/09 14:19:27;
>>   cltt 3 2016/03/09 14:09:27;
>>   binding state free;
>>   hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:0f:32:64;
>> }
>> ..only appears the once, on boot. This is the IP address by which the iscsi 
>> target knows the pi and it expires!
>> I was expecting the first *.53 IP to be inherited by the kernel rather than 
>> it go obtain the second *.45 IP address. Is correct?
>> If so, what do I need to be doing to get that to happen?
>> I've googled this to death and not encountered this precise problem.
>> TIA
>> Guy
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