Chop and replace method??
jd1008 at
Sun Apr 5 00:54:33 UTC 2015
On 04/04/2015 12:41 PM, Jon Radel wrote:
>>> sed -i .bak 's/href=\"..\/..\/..\/archival\/archive13\//href=\"/'
>>> *.html
>> should not the args include
>> -s, --separate
>> consider files as separate rather than as a single
>> continuous long stream.
> ?? There is no -s option for sed in either 8.4 or 10.1 base
> version. Which sed is that? FSF running on a Linux box, per chance?
I am using Fedora Linux, with sed-4.2.2-9.fc21.x86_64
Sorry, I did not mean to cause any confusion. As old as sed is,
I was not expecting the args to be so different.
Did not know that the freebsd sed does not have this arg.
My FBSD machine died :(
> in any case
> ---
> -i extension
> Edit files in-place similarly to -I, but treat each file
> indepen-
> dently from other files. In particular, line numbers in
> each
> file start at 1, the ``$'' address matches the last line
> of the
> current file, and address ranges are limited to the
> current file.
> (See Sed Addresses.) The net result is as though each
> file were
> edited by a separate sed instance.
> ---
> covers what you need in FreeBSD sed.
> --Jon Radel
> jon at
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