font problems in firefox, thunderbird,.. gtk?

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at
Mon May 7 09:29:10 UTC 2007

Jan Zach wrote:

>Yes, I have read this. And also used. I cannot remember why I disabled it after the problems began. The ~/.fonts.conf is attached. It evidently affects the fonts in the sense that they are not blurred now but still  I'm getting different fonts on every start - for instance, sometimes I'm getting fonts without diacritics, in all cases they differ from usual firefox/thunderbird default fonts.
>Unfortunately I'm not able to send a screenshot as xgrab results in a core dump and on a picture from camera it cannot be seen :-(
If you have it installed, gimp will take screenshots.  
File/Acquire/Screen shot.


PS I once go font weirdness after upgrading nvidia-driver to some 
new-ish version.  I don't know that I got different fonts every time, 
but I got different fonts (or something that looked like it) from the 
previous version of nvidia-driver.  In the end, I just downgraded to 
1.0.8178_1 since the new version also had hideous interrupt problems 
which locked my machine.  This may be *completely unrelated* to your 

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