font problems in firefox, thunderbird,.. gtk?
Jan Zach
zach at
Sun May 6 19:06:33 UTC 2007
Yes, I have read this. And also used. I cannot remember why I disabled it after the problems began. The ~/.fonts.conf is attached. It evidently affects the fonts in the sense that they are not blurred now but still I'm getting different fonts on every start - for instance, sometimes I'm getting fonts without diacritics, in all cases they differ from usual firefox/thunderbird default fonts.
Unfortunately I'm not able to send a screenshot as xgrab results in a core dump and on a picture from camera it cannot be seen :-(
> Od: victor.engmark at
> Komu: "Jan Zach" <zach at>
> CC: freebsd-questions at
> Datum: 06.05.2007 17:08
> Předmět: Re: font problems in firefox, thunderbird,.. gtk?
>On 5/6/07, Jan Zach <zach at> wrote:
>> after system and ports upgrade I have problems with fonts in some apps
>> firefox, thunderbird, gthumb, liferea and so on. It is probably related
>> the underlying toolkit - gtk2?
>> The problem is that sometimes (not regularly) the app system fonts are
>> that expected ones but they are proportional and blurred - almost
>> unreadable. Usually it helps to restart the app, sometimes more than
once. I
>> was searching the Internet, experimenting with xorg.conf and installed
>> fonts, font cache etc. but got no results. With my previous
installation I
>> have had similar problems but really seldom not on regular basis as
>Have you used the handbook section regarding
>especially the part regarding editing /usr/X11R6/etc/fonts/local.conf?
>the most part it works. If you have, could you post a (small) screenshot
>with an example?
>-- Victor Engmark
>Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds
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