Changing Apache

Marius Kirschner marius at
Fri Jan 2 12:03:42 PST 2004

> > Also, if I get a certificate for will I be able to 
> > refer to it via http:// and https://?
> Well, ish.  When you compile the port, you will be given the 
> option to generate several flavours of test key.  These will 
> permit the HTTPS server to work, but visitors will get 
> pop-ups all the time warning that your site isn't trusted.  
> You will have to generate a .csr (Certificate Signing 
> Request) and send it off to one of the CAs to get it signed 
> by a recognised key, and then everything will work smoothly.

Well, I realize I need to get an "official" certificate to avoid those
annoying pop-ups, but what I'm not sure about is whether I can go with a
cert for and use that for my https pages, or if I need to
get a cert for something like and use that for https
while the will remain strictly http?

I guess what I'm asking is, in the httpd.conf can I have 1 entry for the
same virtualhost - one for port 80 and the other for 443?


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