ftp server

Micah Bushouse bushous2 at msu.edu
Mon Apr 19 04:55:17 PDT 2004

If you're having a problem building the data connection, you might have 
problems with your ipfilter.  This link has information on how to help 
ipfilter and ftp coexist.


It's about 3/4 into the article, do a find for "coping with ftp"


Jesper Wallin wrote:
>>I've got a 4.9 system and i'm out looking for an ftp server for it as i do
>>not want to use the base server. I've heard good reviews of pure-ftpd, but
>>i'm getting errors: can not find the ftp account and it won't authenticate.
>>    I've also tried proftpd, but although i find it capable i don't like
>>it's slow response, even with identd lookups off.
>>    Features that i'm looking for, chroot anonymous users to a specific
>>area, enable both anonymous and real users, virtual user and quota support,
>>band width management, and optional secure communications. Most importantly
>>i need it to work with ipfilter/ipnat. Using the base ftp server on a test
>>box i can connect but i keep getting an error, can not build data
>>connection, this is from a box external to the firewall.
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> Hello..
> I would (and do) choose Pure-FTPd since it has a very nice history without alot of
> security problems. Both proftpd and wu-ftpd has a quite bad security history and I
> prefer to not use them at all because of that.
> Pure-FTPd has support for SSL/TLS, FXP, has native-language support, chroot, allow
> virtual users, MySQL, Bandwidth limitations, Works perfectly both with or without a
> firewall, and so on, the list is long.. I've personally used it since the spring of 1999
> and I havn't heard of _any_ remote root exploit yet so I consider it the best ftp daemon
> ever.
> Regards,
> Jesper Wallin
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