ftp server
dick hoogendijk
dick at nagual.st
Mon Apr 19 01:36:54 PDT 2004
On 18 Apr dave wrote:
> I've heard good reviews of pure-ftpd, but i'm getting errors: can not
> find the ftp account and it won't authenticate.
I would check my system settings.. Pure-ftpd ran after a portinstall on
my fbsd box as well as on a debian woody server. I do use the cli
startup line for the ftp server though. Not the pureftp.conf file.
I suggest you give it another try; read the dox carefully; it's worth
> Features that i'm looking for, chroot anonymous users to a specific
> area, enable both anonymous and real users, virtual user and quota
> support, band width management, and optional secure communications.
> Most importantly i need it to work with ipfilter/ipnat.
Pure-ftpd has it all. And it works very secure and fast. It definately
is the best ftp server around imo.
dick -- http://www.nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.9 ++ Debian GNU/Linux (Woody)
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