sudoer file

Joshua Oreman oremanj at
Sat Aug 30 09:59:55 PDT 2003

On Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 01:19:14AM -0700 or thereabouts, Desmond Lee wrote:
> Hello 
> I'm having problems setting up sudo. I want to let a user 'dlee' be able
> to mount and umount the cdrom. All I add in the /user/local/etc/sudoers
> file is the following:
> dlee	localhost = NOPASSWD: mount /cdrom, umount /cdrom
> But when I do a 'sudo -v' (logged in as dlee) it says that dlee can run
> sudo under the machine.

Does `hostname' report "localhost"? If not, change the "localhost" to whatever
`hostname' reports.

> Right now the wheel group consists of root and dlee. If I uncomment and
> put in the following line:
> %wheel 	ALL=(ALL)		ALL
> then the user dlee still cannot do any sudo commands even though the
> user dlee can su as root?

AFAIK, more specific sudo lines (dlee) override less specific (%wheel).

> Is there something that I'm doing wrong here? I've looked up the sudo
> and sudoers man pages and did some searching online but can't really get
> anywhere.

Check your hostname. Or just use ALL.

-- Josh

> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Desmond
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