G5 fans

Michael Tuexen tuexen at freebsd.org
Sun Oct 28 22:02:15 UTC 2018

Dear all,

if you have access to a G5 Powermac, could you provide the output of the
following command from the OpenFirmware prompt:

dev u3/i2c/fan
" .status" " u3/i2c/fan" open-dev $call-method 

On a PowerMac7,3 having liquid cooling have access to, I get:

0 > dev u3/i2c/fan  ok
0 > " .status" " u3/i2c/fan" open-dev $call-method 

                  FCU Version: 6.0.1f0

        Failed RPM Channel(s): 0 
     Available RPM Channel(s): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 
        Active RPM Channel(s): 1 2 3 4 5 6 

        Failed PWM Channel(s): None
     Available PWM Channel(s): 1 2 
        Active PWM Channel(s): 1 2 

Processor A  Intake Fan (RPM3): 1449 RPM
Processor A Exhaust Fan (RPM4): 1497 RPM
Processor B  Intake Fan (RPM5): 1452 RPM
Processor B Exhaust Fan (RPM6): 1501 RPM
           U3 Zone Fan (PWM1): 1878 RPM
          PCI Zone Fan (PWM2): 1830 RPM
         Drive Bay Fan (RPM2): 1498 RPM

I'm interested in the RPM channels which are reported as Failed/Available/Active.
Please provide also some information what kind of PowerMac G5 it is.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards

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