Somewhat off topic .. is there a RISC-V project for FreeBSD ? [powerpc64 notes]
Mark Millard
marklmi at
Sun Oct 28 21:12:26 UTC 2018
Dennis Clarke dclarke at wrote on
Sun Oct 28 15:43:31 UTC 2018 :
> As for ppc64 I think IBM Power9 is needed to do anything. Ye old
> PowerMac G5 units are available for a dime a dozen and may work
> but I really don't know. I have yet to try the installer for
> FreeBSD 12.0 beta2 but I may give it go later today.
I (sometimes) have access to some old PowerMacs, including
3 old G5s (2 being so-called "Quad Core" ones). I'm
running a head -r339076 based "Quad Core" currently.
The SSD works fine in all 3 G5s for booting FreeBSD
and buildworld buildkernel activities --and building
ports. [But I experiment with using fairly modern
compiler toolchains for such activity and so my context
is not normal.]
I've no clue if the following notes related to my
activities overlaps with anything that you might
try. While my test context is PowerMac based, the
notes are not specific to PowerMac contexts.
FreeBSD support for the powerpc families is via its
gcc 4.2.1 related toolchain.
System-clang and devel/llvm[67]0 are not ready yet
for buildworld buildkernel and installing, booting
and using all the results, at least for C++ with
thrown exceptions involved in the operation (even
if FreeBSD's had no problems in the area).
Also, the clang/llvm output for kernel .ko files is
mismatched vs. what types of relocation the FreeBSD
kernel supports. Attempted loads of such .ko files
crash the box. (I've no clue which side should be
changed for this. I built in a couple of things
into the kernels that I use so my basic activity
did not require such .ko dynamic loads, even for
a clang-based build.)
While there is a devel/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc (and
its devel/powerpc64-binutils and devel/powerpc64-gcc ),
FreeBSD's has at least one incompleteness
in its stack unwind support for C++ exception handing
that can lead to __Unwind_RaiseException looping
looking at the same stack frame over and over. As far
as I can tell this problem is a strictly-FreeBSD-side
problem. clang generated code can also hit the problem
in . One way this may change is if llvm's
libunwind gets to the point of being usable for powerpc64
and the like. (This would avoid such parts of .)
VNET does something via a technique that works when
the gcc 4.2.1 toolchain was used. But use of
devel/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc leads the technique
to causing crashes. This is a fairly new discovery.
At this point I have no clue what will change or
how it will change. This blocks doing a general
devel/kyua based test run because it crashes the
Such points may not mater much if one is not doing
buildworld buildkernel activities: For example,
lang/gcc8 generated code, when using its own libraries,
instead of using the system , has C++
exceptions working. -Wl,-rpath=. . . use can be
system-clang and devel/llvm[67]0 suffer the
problem for the code they generate. But if one does
not need thrown C++ exceptions, building user-code
and running the results seems to be otherwise working.
The clang problems are more tied to special aspects of
buildworld buildkernel .
32-bit powerpc is more tied to gcc 4.2.1 for buildworld
buildkernel, in that there is no devel/powerpc-binutils
or devel/powerpc-gcc and the clang/llvm problems apply
to this context as well.
(clang/llvm has made some progress for FreeBSD support
in the last couple of years. I used to have a much
longer list of known problems, including violations of
the ABIs and stack handling that messed up some stack-
frame-tied register values.)
Looking at list reports, it would seem that some old
PowerMac models may boot fine and others may not, both
powerpc64 and powerpc . This also seem to vary by the
FreeBSD vintage involved.
My understanding is that one of the major powerpc family
people used to have one or more PowerMac G5's but no
longer has access to such. This could limit getting
updates for PowerMac issues.
Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)
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