FreeBSD on iMac G3

Jochen Fahrner freebsd at
Sat Apr 11 10:03:34 PDT 2009

Hi Nathan,

> You can find it at 
> boot1.hfs.bz2. It's 800K after decompression, and should be dd'ed  
> onto a free partition somewhere on your disk, of type  
> Apple_Bootstrap or Apple_HFS.

Thank you very much!!! That works great. Saves me a lot of headache. :-)

> You should be able to use the gpart utility in FreeBSD to add one  
> (pass the type as !Apple_Bootstrap), or use the Gentoo mac-fdisk  
> utility.

The Gentoo mac-fdisk is perfect for that. It can generate an Apple  
bootstrap partition with a special command, and this is 800k in size.  
Fits perfectly. If there is some interest, I can explain in detail  
how to setup an Apple harddisc with mac-fdisk for FreeBSD.

I think it would help a lot of people if this would be mentioned in  
the install docs and downloadable from some server. This is much  
easier than installing the complete source tree and syncing it with  
cvs, only to get this little image file.

> If you could provide a dmesg, and a description of the crash you  
> mentioned earlier, that would be appreciated as well. Good luck!

Thank you, luck is needed. I will make the Xorg tonight and try it  
tomorrow again.

Mit besten Grüßen
Joachim Fahrner
mailto: joachim at

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