FreeBSD on iMac G3

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at
Sat Apr 11 09:00:47 PDT 2009

Jochen Fahrner wrote:
> Hi,
>> Given the error message, it's worth a try at least.  The sysctl is for
>> ignoring the mmap checks, and is most needed by the Radeon driver, but
>> given the error message, it would probably work for the Rage as well.
> Ok, I will give it a second try. Just deleted my Gentoo  
> installation. ;-)
> But the Gentoo boot disc has a nice mac-fdisk. So you can get rid of  
> the dozens of tiny slices that Apple disk utility creates on the disk  
> (for booting OS 9 and such things).
> Can someone mail me the HFS bootloader mentioned here?
> It's not on the sources from cd. And cvsup-without-gui cannot be  
> installed on PPC. (why that?)
> I first want to try if the basic things work, before I do the long  
> Xorg compile.
You can find it at 
It's 800K after decompression, and should be dd'ed onto a free partition 
somewhere on your disk, of type Apple_Bootstrap or Apple_HFS. You should 
be able to use the gpart utility in FreeBSD to add one (pass the type as 
!Apple_Bootstrap), or use the Gentoo mac-fdisk utility.

The reason that it isn't in 7.2 is that it hasn't been MFC'ed yet -- 
most of this kind of work that has been done lately was done in 
8.0-CURRENT, and I haven't had time to MFC a lot of it (like the boot 
loader) or to update sysinstall to support it. cvsup-without-gui isn't 
available on PPC due to lack of Modula-3 support, but you will find that 
csup, which is included in the base system, is a drop in replacement.

If you could provide a dmesg, and a description of the crash you 
mentioned earlier, that would be appreciated as well. Good luck!

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