FreeBSD on iMac G3

Jochen Fahrner freebsd at
Sat Apr 11 05:59:00 PDT 2009

Hi Justin,

> That's a well-known issue, and the fix is on the project web page.   
> Add:
> 	hw.ofwfb.relax_mmap=1
> to your /etc/sysctl.conf.

Are you sure that helps? On the procject web page is documented that  
this is for ATI Radeon based systems. Mine is a ATI Rage.

In the meanwhile I have cleared the disc and I'm installing Gentoo  
Linux. This seems to have great Mac support. Even booting should be  
easy with yaboot. If I'm not satisfied with Gentoo I can return and  
try this sysctl setting.

Are there more well-known issues a newbie has to consider?


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